That's probably a recycling bin - I know at one of my old jobs we would sometimes recycle our old electronics after we'd used them for field tests or something that would have made it wrong to sell to a customer...
That's probably a recycling bin - I know at one of my old jobs we would sometimes recycle our old electronics after we'd used them for field tests or something that would have made it wrong to sell to a customer...
Looks like someone took a rolling shutter picture of a helicopter blade and started a gigantic rumor about it.
I consider BOTH of you so lucky - I have to share 6 "cubicles" with a handfull of my co-workers. Each day you come in you could possibly have a new cube that you're assigned to for your whole shift or just part of it. The computers (three) are set in each cubicle and linked together with multiplicity. It's a nice set…
Digsby! :D I love it - it's such a great tool for keeping in touch with all of my friends who don't want to conform to one chat protocol..
Sounds like my best friends girlfriend - still don't know why he puts up with that stuff on a daily basis, I mean she knows that he's at WORK and can't answer and she still does it day in and day out.
The Motorola Nexus would come with a locked bootloader, so no thanks. :P
This is definitely news to me, didn't know that! Now I'm more optimistic! :D
So the Japanese will be getting the 197HP version, which means we'll be seeing one with about 3/4 of that so the USDM one will be lucky to have 150.
Yes! Oh my goodness yes. That silly scrollbar on the side is gone!
Looks like I have to add Lifehacker to my RSS reader now! :P
"Why is your it turning into a motorcycle!?"
I think a lot of you are really missing the point... The original AE-86 wasn't some sort of massive powerhouse either - if Toyota really wants to do this right they need to keep the HP low, the weight low, and they should have kept the styling as bland as possible. The AE-86 when it came out was a car that everyone…
Yup - that's my main complaint with the layout. If it weren't for that one thing I don't think I would have a problem with the website besides the fact that it was very much so made for a Mac... (If you can, try browsing a Gawker website on a Mac and see how much better it is..)
What changed to make it make sense to you?
Was actually watching this video earlier while searching around for a DDWRT tutorial. Funny that there'd be an article about something like this today.
Haven't cracked up at a comment in a while - thanks!
Where are the wallpaper sized versions? :( This looks awful stretched.
Uhm.. about that...