
Oooh, this'll be good. Perhaps you can forward the winner to BP as a suggestion to replace their own crappy Photoshop? :P

@shorty63136: Exactly... I'm sure it didn't help that this was crossposted with Jezebel - but these complaints should be geared towards ALL drivers because... well, they do!

@NightElfMohawk: Ah... good 'ol hypocrisy. Don't you just love it? :/

@shinjukuDLJ: Exactlyyy. I don't discriminate bad drivers on the road based on sex, I usually just do it based on what they're driving. For instance, if I see a huge BMW 7xxLi out on the road I know that whoever the hell it is to stay the hell out of their way because they probably think they're the best damn thing

@LuciferV8: Of course it's your fault. You parked too far over.

@Pavement clawing maniac: Apologies, I must have misread the part in this article stating that the cars had to be USDM spec. ;)

@nystreetfilms: I dunno about you, but I heard the Benny Hill Theme when I saw it spinning like that.. Only thing that would have made it better is if it started chasing after the robbers.

Any Civic or CRX from the late 80's to early 90's.

@danslesnuages: The sad thing is that most people don't even know how to use Google properly. :(

@Mayor Squeakerton: Exactly. I loved Facebook when I first got into it. Sadly, not even months after they accepted DeVry as a college email to get an account they opened the floodgates on registrations and it all pretty much went downhill after there.

Last Reported

@Vavon: Yikes! D: Rally drivers definitely have balls of steel.

@SerialThriller: Here in the Bay Area a friend's family of mine converted their house to solar for 30k. Their electricity bill is $24 each month (It's a minimum that PG&E has to charge them even though they're putting power back onto the grid)

@smackela: Is he sliding off the pavement or is he coming onto the pavement?

@linuxgod: Yup. I thought it was a Toyota too. It's a Toyota Tercel 2 door hatch, 3rd gen.

@kermit007: Wait what..? There's a possibility to downgrade the firmware on the 360 even if the eFuse is blown?

@gijenny01: For being a starred commenter I'm surprised at how little you seem to know about this...

@Star Vixen: I tried using my Chuck season finale glasses from a couple years back.. No dice. :/

Just took a look at the comparisons of the video and wow.. What a disappointment. Sure, it can go to a high resolution, but why even bother if it's going to look so washed out and choppy? :/