
@OA 5599: Back then wasn't it the trunk?

@shadowplay: I hadn't even noticed that till you pointed it out. xD

@Novaload: I guess I'll make the V12 sounds with my mouth, not quite the same though. :)

Murilee! Please tell me there's a video of this thing! I can't just live on description alone.

@Christopher Payne: Yeah, I think people kind of missed that, don't worry I got it. :D

@tj: Safety being your number one priority? I think you're missing the point of having a death-ray. :P

Signed. I would love to see Bill at the X games even though it'd be my first time tuning in.

@Roberto G.: Just post a link to it. :) Put it on something like imageshack or something.

@Vette5885: And this is why I download it via torrent. Sorry Top Gear guys, but stop letting BBC America screw up your show and I'll stop pirating it. :)

@MyInsecureSanity: But of course. Vuvuzela's are the cause of the server failure.

@Jared904: It's a good thing you can still posts links. ;)

@Lupison: Same here. When my car got stolen and I had to buy a bunch of parts via the internet every single time he'd come by he'd ask me how the car was doing when delivering the packages. I wish you could tip them because that guy really made the extra effort to be friendly.

@KeyserSöze: According to something I read on the internet funny cars get about 60 GPM. So, while you may have been kidding you're actually only .07 MPG off.

@spamanda: Since this is a cross post from Jalop I figure I'd throw some male input in here - I'm pretty sure most of the guys don't finish either.

@☆Giroro G66☆: I am trying to figure that out - what is with skateboarders and their fascinations with fish eye lenses?

@mastermatt7684: I would hope that if he was drunk enough to forget his phone at a bar that he would not have been driving his own car.

@mastermatt7684: I would hope that if he was drunk enough to forget his phone at a bar that he would not have been driving his own car.

@Xeraphim: Hmmm. I wonder if they'll take my banned/modded Jasper 360... :)

@TAInvestor: Thirded.. No other drugged out comedian I know can do such amazing one liners and goofy stories like Mitch could.