
Is it just me or does it seem like people are getting really good cars for $500 or less...

That was horrible...

This story literally brought tears to my eyes...

I love how browsing from older pictures to newer pictures the women get more and more fake and photoshopped looking. What ever happened to (semi-)natural beauty?

@AndrosZ: That's exactly what I was thinking as well... I was hoping for something superhero status.

Bullshit. I don't believe it. It's going to be exactly like MTV. They're going to air racing for a couple years worth and then all of a sudden those shitty shows that they air on SPEED now are going to move over to their second channel while they release NEW crap on their main one a la MTV & MTV2

@MaWeiTao: I like how they stole that idea from some Mustang modders that did it to the 05-07's. My father got the sequential turn signals installed for like $100 and then the 2010 ones all of a sudden got those stock. Quite interesting. :P

I like how the license plate on the BMW above ALMOST looks like it says MILF. :)

@Grive: Exactly, given the chance I would hoon the crap out of that track with my CRX... Now just to figure out if it'd be cheaper to buy another CRX there or ship my own across the pond... :P

Someone around my area has a 90's Toyota Corolla that he did the same thing to. Even re-located the exhaust to the middle of the trunk and hooked it up so it can spit fire.

@$kaycog: Why did you not already have a heart from me?! Well you do now! :)

And yet somehow CA has the most strict smog laws... :( Stupid LA and ruining it for the rest of us hooners.

@doug-g: I wish I could heart you again.

@ploopsy: I can keep watching that over and over again and I keep laughing each time. Thank you for helping me remember this video.

This is a little off topic, but are the RSS feeds down for anyone else? Mine haven't been updating and I've had to actually *gasp* come to the site to figure out new articles.

@eBayfreak: Yeah, no doubt... what's the point of even being able to open the hood when I guarantee that removing that plastic shroud is going to void the warranty anyways.

Wait.. Comments got shut down on the sister sites because of the iPhone post? Bleh. That's lame. At least they're back now so we can go about our cynical and punny ways. :D

@EMTtech: Friend of mine picked one of those up for $200 through some contest. Fell out of touch with that guy though but recently heard that he fell asleep at the wheel and rolled it a couple times. He was totally fine.