“and how his campaign aimed for the center so successfully”
“and how his campaign aimed for the center so successfully”
This reminds me of that episode of Daria where she and Jodie interact with the advanced placement kids and they’re all a bunch of unpleasant assholes.
Hang on, are you telling me that gamers don’t... Stick to games? That’s crazy. Imagine if Twitch went and based an entire strategy to force people on Twitch to... Stick to gaming. That’d be just fucking stupid. Probably potentially ruin the whole platform.
“I could already see through his BS basically,” Korey Todd said. “He was a white man.”
So to all the conservatives that were high fiving themselves and engaging in circle jerks about Jussie Smolett what is your response to this. One more time this is why I don’t give a fuck when a cop is shot. Not Sorry.
Millions people also believe in God, so.
Yes whitesplain another country's media for us please.
I know this is a perhaps unpopular take on this subject but I do think porn is somewhat to blame here. Some men (esp younger men) who I’ve encountered think that choking, hitting, etc are ok because they see it in porn and NOT in a proper BDSM context...so they just try doing it and see if I’m into it or not. With no…
Not with handy dandy male cadavers laying about!
What part of “giddyup!” is an inherent part of the job, professor?
In order to be accurate, the question should say “Suzy was raped at a frat party. She called the police, and the sperm evidence was collected. The sperm sat in storage for 20 years. Once finally tested, it was revealed that Suzy’s rapist was now a Congressman. Suzy urged the state to prosecute him, but the prosecutor…
Meanwhile welfare is like “Do you really need to eat every day?"
When we don’t even get the less we settled for, it discourages asking for more...that we also won’t get.
There should be a rule that he can’t serve more time than Brock Turner.
“How many transgender actors do you know of?”
So, I read shithead’s “Why wimminz is ruinin’ macadamias” and I have some quick thoughts.
Move your fucking legs in the first place so I don’t have to make an assumption about whether you might or might not be polite and make space for me.
I’ve often wondered just how many aches and pains and general discomforts (to say nothing of genuine medical issues) women face are resulting directly from being “lady-like”.
Of course, back then no one had heard of Scarlett Johnasson.