If that’s all it takes to make you not be an ally, you were never really an ally in the first place.
If that’s all it takes to make you not be an ally, you were never really an ally in the first place.
Starred for “fuckbucket”
Is that really necessary? Out of all the things to criticize?
And guess what? We don’t have a draft anymore. So if men cannot legally be compelled to give up their bodily autonomy fighting wards then women cannot be forced to incubate another organism against their will.
A man, his wife and their girlfriend.
Mrs. Till made the decision for the world to see her very real, very dead son in stark black and white photographs. This woman’s painting is an abstraction of shape and color so it doesn’t even get the point of his image. For that reason alone, the work should’ve been removed. It’s an insult to his memory and his…
He wasn’t. Basch was originally the protagonist but since he wasn’t a J-Pop pretty boy he was shunted to the side for Vaan.
And no 12 year old has ever done anything foolish but Tamir Rice was gunned down in seconds for playing with a toy.
Kidnapping the child of a head of state is way different than a random ass college student
That shit is not real. Stop spreading bullshit. If you don’t have a uterus you have no valid opinions on women’s reproductive health.
There are a lot of drunk drivers out there. Why should my tax dollars continue to fund roads?
That’s my last name and I’ve been thinking of changing it because I receive so few call backs
Um, MLK went to jail dude. So you think he’s an asshole?
She is not desperate for roles. She has enough clout to pass on this. Without her name attached that movie would have been left to languish in development hell like Akira or shuffled off to Netfilx to be mocked.
Self-checkouts are eliminating the need for cashiers. Maybe that’s what’s being referenced?
The anime is currently streaming on Netflix. If people want to watch it, they can watch right now.
“Adapt” doesn’t mean “make the main characters white.” As stated in the article, there are Asian people in America.
There are “white leaves” in every African American’s family tree because of that whole slavery thing. Even within a single family, we often have different shades.
It’s New York. We all ignore everything here.
Are you black? Don’t fucking speak for me or people like me.