cloudXsephiroth v2

Indeed. The US has the opposite to your guys’ social values and other qualities that our government very much takes advantage of, such as fear-mongering, encouraging/rewarding ignorance and discouraging empathy.

Nope. Pride, a definite lack of external ideas inside their personal echo chambers (which is hilarious, given how much they bitch about Liberals/SJWs living inside said chambers), and simple groupthink reinforcement will keep them from ever admitting that Sarkeesian’s brand of criticism != “wanting to do away with all

I had it on good authority that Anita Sarkeesian was going to purge creativity from gaming, and that Donald Trump would keep the liberals from neutering my favorite pass time. I have literally no idea how that could have backfired on me. All I wanted was ethics in games journalism, I swear. Scout’s honor.

It’s been under worse management.

For over a year now, in fact.

For the folks asking, “Why was the kid streaming,” I’m just gonna be blunt:

Way to miss the fucking fire burning the house down over the smoke that’s offending your nostrils.

Yes, the kid’s young, and yeah, it’d be a much better idea for them not to be streaming, but they are not the problem here. The cowardly, craven

He called the police on the false premise that a homicidal maniac at the given address had killed once, and was on the verge of killing again - with the full knowledge that the police response would be one aimed at preventing another murder, with a high potential for firearm usage (and the potential shooting of any

“Worth” and “what you can sell them for” are two very different beasts.

Okay, before anyone gets any bright ideas there are some things to understand about “investing” in Magic cards.

I used to have to deal with people like this in comics when I ran a store. I had one guy come in who I had never seen before and only wanted to buy comics that would go up in price. I spent 20 minutes trying to explain that isn’t how it worked. He kept bringing up things like Action #1, Detective #27 and others.

As someone that runs events and manages the gaming side of a LGS, I would welcome the removal of the reserved list.

There is nothing more annoying than amateur investors. The ones that play the game and think they are going to get 200% value out of their played cards that they invested a whole $100 into. Oh and all

Hell, even that little bit of silence between Leeroy and Jenkins is perfect.

I was always under the impression that it was an exaggerated recreation of an actual event because we have all been there.

I wish I didn’t read this article. I never wanted to know it wasn’t real. My Internet Innocence died on Christmas. Sad trombone.

Thank you!
Glad someone beat me to saying this.
We don’t do it. It’s a trope that needs to end. I’ve known so many people who tell the story of a friend who supposedly had this happen. It just doesn’t.
Logically, why would we even try this? It’s not like anyone is going to say “Well... I’m already in the bedroom, I guess

People are going to start making a lot of excuses for this, and that’s fine. I think it’s fair to point out that some of this discussion is premature since we barely know anything about her and how the game will deal with her being trans, if she is.

To be fair, if you lived in the bracket that would benefit from the tax “cuts” you could hang one of these controllers on every wall in the house and still have enough money left over to buy your third yacht.

Sanders neglected to provide any evidence to back up her claim of deliberate lying on the part of the media.

That is absolutely what they were going for.

If you didn’t already know that bullying is bad, you’re a fucking idiot. I was going to use a euphemism, but no: you’re fucking dumb as a stump if you don’t know that bullying is not good

Hey Guys,