cloudXsephiroth v2

No doubt. It’s still silly that Americans are so uptight about nudity when a good chunk of advertising can be considered “sex sells” and pretty much everyone is okay with their kiddies playing Call of Duty or Gears of War while they tell me what they’ve done to my mother.

Yeah, you gotta have a kid to understand it fully. My kid does amazing things at 10 months old, and yet he can also frustrate you. But those things that frustrate you are just him learning, and then when he figures out what he’s doing, it makes it okay again. It’s definitely a roller coaster. And roller coasters are

I got the sense it was about how some parenting frustrations are insignificant, because you love your kids and them doing something that brings them joy makes those little frustrations worth it. I found it really touching. Another title for this could be “My Son is Ruining Zelda (But That Doesn’t Matter Because I Love

 That’s some dollar store shit right there. Everyone knows the strawberry is supposed to be in the middle.

If anything, society heaps gobs of praise on stay-at-home-dads. They get all the kudos for doing something “so amazing” when women have been doing that shit since we all stood upright.

I’m not going to lie:

Yeah the link out about men not being able to deal with the wife making more is just sad and crazy to me. It’s hard to say I pity those guys because they’ve been hearing this BS their whole lives, I just hate the system of manly bullshit that is used as a way to belittle other people to cover up said man’s

Men think so little of women that when a woman is giving a living wage it literally makes their dicks soft. Your body is proving that your entire self worth is predicated on women being inferior. That’s fucking hilarious and pathetic.

I don’t think McGregor’s race dictates his behavior and I don’t think stuff like this helps.

As others have stated, everybody is racist. And I do mean everybody. It is human nature, part of the primal tribalism we relied on for thousands of generations.

like literally every part of American history is either blatantly anti-black, reminiscent of things that are anti-black, or are unintentionally anti-black.

I totally agree with you on: 1)Mayweather destroying McGregor, and 2) McGregor ‘winning’ the first round of pre-fight trash talk.

Fuck Sean Hannity. He’s nothing but a modern day Joseph Goebbles and it’s “We’re always right and good, and you’re always evil and wrong” assholes like him and Rush that have made it possible for an atmosphere to exist where allowing the Russians to have influence in the running of the country “Isn’t really any big

Mary Jane wasn’t ever “I’m too cool to be here.”

his voice asking for help i wanted to jump into that fucking movie and save this spider baby.

I’m kind of okay with Flash being an asshole nerd, since the nerd/jock dichotomy doesn’t really exist the same way it did in the 60s. Smart kids are popular now. He’s a rich asshole who isn’t as smart as Peter.

Infinite Scroll strikes again!

The warehouse scene was rough. Seeing Peter nearly cry, not because he is some emo twat like Spider-man 3 but you could really see he is only a 15-year-old kid way out of his league and him realizing it. The fact they had him get himself out instead of having a bland troupe of Ironman (the father figure) comes save

Yeah, don’t you just love that shit? Ash has Pikachu, chick has Priplup, boy has a freaking Lucario. The only way to be more fanbase wank would be to give him a Gardevoir or something.

When I was in high school, I was obsessed with a series of novels set in the lost colony of Roanoke. It all seemed so very plausible, what the author imagined happening to the colony, and why it disappeared the way it did. I would love to read a book like that about Earhart.