cloudXsephiroth v2


If the story resembles fanfiction then the best way MvCI’s story mode would end is that after the story’s end credits it’s revealed that Kamala Khan had written it and finished uploading it online.

This is my favorite comment on this whole page.

Doesn’t matter had sex.

I know we all hate the Warriors around here, but every moment between KD and his mom tonight was heartwarming.

Your falsehoods regarding feminism are why feminism is needed. It is not remotely about “the destruction of masculinity”- which is an inane concept, as there is no concrete source to define “masculinity”. If you think neanderthal-brained, low-IQ “alpha” males are the standard of “manly men”, you are not correct and

“Neo-feminism is not about equality. Women already have that.” 

Ooh, I want to live in your world, where women aren’t raped/sexually assaulted, where there’s no wage gap, where women don’t have their health care options yanked away from them for political reasons, where political power does not rest overwhelmingly in

It’s a shame that such a great metaphor from the Matrix was hijacked by extremist MGTOW and alt-media folk.

I’m always willing to give the benefit of the doubt. I, personally went from “internet libertarian” to “progressive feminist” over the course of a very few years thanks to some really excellent friends and learning experiences that challenged me to recognize my more problematic opinions. It can and does happen, and

Not if the Nobodies stole it from him

Axel would be ashamed of you XD

Would you say you lost your.. Chain of Memories?

Brian Regan is a clean comedy god.

I thought you were going to say “I knew it was going to be terrible and badly directed”

Tonight Cleveland was Perfect Cell and GS was a one-armed Gohan...

I’ve never seen this many Dragon Ball Z references on Deadspin.

I still think San Antonio, if healthy, would have put some serious hurt into GS. Other than that, agreed.

Jesus, I didn’t even read this thread before I made my own DBZ reference. Funny coincidence.

So, what aspects of their game should current NBA players work on this summer to get better? Because right now, GSW and Cleveland are Goku and Vegeta, and the other teams are the rest of the Z fighters. And they need to train hard. Drastically boost their power levels.

Durant is totally a Gohan. He’s too much of a goody-goody to be Vegeta. Momma’s boy, says the right stuff, scary when mad and can go nuclear, but ultimately just a good kid.