cloudXsephiroth v2

Goku is actually quite selfish. He’s more concerned with fighting stronger opponents than saving the world; if it just so happens his opponent was trying to destroy the planet, it’s just a bonus.

If memory serves, the handsome, charismatic military putting down an uprising of brown people in a desert!

But...most of the characters in FMA *are* white/European. They have last names like Elric, Rockbell, Armstrong, Hughes, and Mustang. I’d argue that FMA is one of the few anime series that Hollywood would have to try harder to mess up.

Screw you for making me cry.

So if someone calls me a pussy, and grab my own crotch without asking...

He’s one of Trump’s “I’m not racist; I have a black friend!” friends.

“Football players kneel during national anthem to protest and bring attention to racism and police brutality. WHY DO THEY HATE OUR TROOPS AND FREEDOM AND AMERICA?!”

Man, those “what could have been” feelings can be damn intoxicating some times. However, it’s not until you’ve taken a step back and checked yourself before you realize, “holy shit, I played this WAY wrong.”

I was gonna say, I know One Piece is basically a religion in Japan, but I didn’t think spoilers themselves were a criminal offence.

I remember watching an interview with her a while back and she mentioned this, and how when she went by the name “Chloe Wang,” she was told “you don’t look Asian enough, and you’re obviously not white.”

When they compete, we win.

It’s like when he denounced the support of David Duke during the campaign or admitted that Obama was indeed an American—his words have such a clear “yeah, okay, fine, whatever” vibe to them and they’re so delayed, it’s insulting to anyone with half a brain and it lets his supporters think, “yeah, he was forced to say

If someone asked me to explain white privilege, I can now show them this.

Ah, goddamn it, they *did* sculpt it, didn’t they?!

Damn, that’s pretty slick.

Man, Love Hina was my thing back in college, too. I remember going to Suncoast (remember those?) waiting for the new volumes to show up and buying the little bikini figurines of the girls. It was also my first example of “what the—this anime isn’t anything like the manga! That’s not how it’s supposed to happen! Who’s

It’s sort of a meme, and a form of light trolling. There are some anime series I adore, but whenever my friends try to get me to watch “Another Harem Anime with Bland Protagonist and Stereotypical Girls 1, 2, 3, and 4,” I have a jolly good time pointing out the tropes, predicting “wacky” scenes before they happen, and

Ever been called racist against Japanese people by an anime fan because you “disrespect their culture” by saying you don’t like loli-bait characters?

Jordan could lose in 3.

Ah, in hindsight I should have used “I don’t have it committed to memory” instead.