cloudXsephiroth v2

Man, Love Hina was my thing back in college, too. I remember going to Suncoast (remember those?) waiting for the new volumes to show up and buying the little bikini figurines of the girls. It was also my first example of “what the—this anime isn’t anything like the manga! That’s not how it’s supposed to happen! Who’s

It’s sort of a meme, and a form of light trolling. There are some anime series I adore, but whenever my friends try to get me to watch “Another Harem Anime with Bland Protagonist and Stereotypical Girls 1, 2, 3, and 4,” I have a jolly good time pointing out the tropes, predicting “wacky” scenes before they happen, and

Ever been called racist against Japanese people by an anime fan because you “disrespect their culture” by saying you don’t like loli-bait characters?

Jordan could lose in 3.

Ah, in hindsight I should have used “I don’t have it committed to memory” instead.

If my Facebook memories are to be trusted, the first announcement trailer for this freaking game came out four years ago.

Would San Antonio be Krillin, Piccolo, or Tien?

Yeah, that’s too much, especially for a kink that’s still sorta “out there.”

What, the fetish itself or telling random women “hey, just wanna let you know you’re hitting my freak button pretty hard right now?”

Saiyans are vegetables, the Ginyu Force was dairy, the henchmen on Namek were fruits, and you keep all those things...in the Freezer.

“Barefoot waifu...”

I never played Space Channel 5, but is white-suit Ulala supposed to evoke that 50's retro sci-fi look? Because that’s what I’m getting, and that may be enough to get me to buy this figure.

Kind of like how WotC said Felidar Guardian was supposed to say “flicker a creature or artifact,” not permanent, which enabled the combo with Saheeli.

Prof is a real gem; all his videos are straightforward, fair and informative, and the man himself is the nicest dude in the world. Met him at a GP a couple of months ago.

I can get why some people are into stuff like humanoid animals, and I won’t judge ‘em, but it runs counter-current to one of my own kinks, so I can’t share their enthusiasm.

I remember that it was one guy who said one of Tracer’s poses (that Widowmaker still has in the game) didn’t fit her bubbly personality, and Blizzard was all “oh yeah, we were gonna change it anyway,” and they gave Tracer a new pose that still shows off her butt, but in a more playful way, and everyone took that and

Don’t underestimate Nataku!

Yuup. Pretty much every dude I know (except the really petty ones) would consider legal action against a woman because of a bad date a textbook “punk-ass move.”

In my experience, the only reason anyone would own a sword like that is because they got really into anime after watching Ninja Scroll and a couple of subtitled episodes of Naruto.