cloudXsephiroth v2

Other have already replied, so I’ll use the abridged version of how they were explained to me:

Those are Planeswalker cards. Think of them as “super enchantments” that sit on the field and you can use their abilities once per turn.

Imagine if you saw the new ban list on Monday, saw that Copy Cat was still legal, bought the cards for it on Tuesday, then on Wednesday this happens.

Oh, okay. I remember it being a big deal when it was discovered that the walls around the cities extended downwards. So I guess it’s implied that some person/organization is purposely trying to eradicate humanity and it’s not just “these titans are a natural occurrence and we just gotta deal.”

Well...what is it?

I’ve seen that come up a lot lately. People I know who were all “man, fuck The Man, I can live on my own off the grid, the government needs to stay the hell away from the people, man” the past eight years, but are now all “sorry libtards, Trump won, you gotta respect the government now, stop your whining and fall in

It’s difficult to have an intelligent, adult conversation with someone when any legit, rational complains you have about the current administration fucking over the planet and its people in the name of making the rich richer are dismissed as “LOL U MAD, LIBRUL SNOWFLAKE CRYBABY?!”

There’s a Windows 10 update my laptop’s been trying to install. Thing is, it takes FOREVER. Like, I can leave it running for upwards of 24 hours and it’s still not done (I usually end up frustrated with it and rebooting my computer to get out of it). Is that normal?

I knew I should have paid more attention in Sunday school. I missed the part where Jesus said that.

“That was the hardest walk of my career.”

A few months ago I got back into Magic after a several-year-long absence because one of my friends who had kept playing convinced me to give Commander a try.

I wondered if anyone was gonna mention Chris. As soon as he said, “I loved the original anime and I like this new movie too,” I knew he was gonna draw fire.

“Anything that pisses off liberals” is what motivated some people who otherwise wouldn’t have voted to support Trump.

Bulma’s mom is named Panty, so...

“Bulla” was her English dub name, because they didn’t want to call her by her Japanese name, “Bra.”

“Oh my. Look at all those angry people outside, with their signs and whatnot. Perhaps they need some time away to relax.”

There is Bulma’s older sister, Tights.

I’ll sometimes try to think back and figure out why I have a foot fetish. I’ve always had a submissive personality—I’m much more comfortable being told what to do than giving orders—so maybe being “under someone’s heel” appeals to me.

I stopped following the series after Pain killed a bunch of characters, then Naruto made him feel bad about it so he brought them all back to life.

Man, I hope that was before they got turned into chimpanzees...