cloudXsephiroth v2

“Oh my. Look at all those angry people outside, with their signs and whatnot. Perhaps they need some time away to relax.”

There is Bulma’s older sister, Tights.

I’ll sometimes try to think back and figure out why I have a foot fetish. I’ve always had a submissive personality—I’m much more comfortable being told what to do than giving orders—so maybe being “under someone’s heel” appeals to me.

I stopped following the series after Pain killed a bunch of characters, then Naruto made him feel bad about it so he brought them all back to life.

Man, I hope that was before they got turned into chimpanzees...

“Nuh-uh! I can still import my anime tiddy games from Japan! Sure, they cost three times as much now, but I need mah waifu fix!”

One of my favorite quotes about voice acting is, “people forget the ‘acting’ part. It’s more than just reading lines and screaming into a microphone.”

“And Xavier sent his disciples to teach man to love those who are strangers, but their words fell upon those frightened by Magneto, and their pleas were ignored, even as they protected man from the Brotherhood.”

The comic “Preacher.”

You know what’s a trip? Libertarian Hispanics who have lived in Hispanic-majority areas their entire life who think racism isn’t that big a deal and that black people are just doing it for attention.

Step 1: Dress in Trump gear

Pretty much. I don’t know many genuine Trump supporters—almost everyone I know thinks he’s a fucking idiot who’s going to ruin everything forever—but I know some who have a knee-jerk reaction to the words “politically correct” and “offended,” and the constant pissed-off reactions from the left (pre- and post-election)

I’ve lost sleep thinking about this, and I honestly think there’s no going back.

I have a Hispanic cousin who lives in Louisiana. I recently learned that she has to tell people she’s Indian because they REALLY don’t like Mexicans there.

Not a comedian, but I’ve seen plenty of conservative memes along those lines of “LOL, look at these freaks asking to be treated with respect.”

This is the crux of it. Conservative “humor” consists mostly of shitting on minorities and women, and never taking shots at themselves.

I’ve asked this before elsewhere, but I wonder how much support PewDiePie would have if he’d paid those dudes to piss on an American flag.

There’s a difference between a friend and an enabler. The people jumping down Jack’s throat are probably too young to understand.
