cloudXsephiroth v2


If you mean because the left doesn’t fight hard enough and lets the right bully them around, then yeah, I’d agree with you. However, in my example, “being a pussy” means “giving a shit about people who aren’t you.”

Pokemon League?

The greatest trick Republicans have pulled is convincing people that they’re the party of big, strong, manly things. I know guys who have pretty left-leaning beliefs, but vote Republican because “the left are a bunch of pussies.”

It’s like Meryl Streep’s “all you’ll have left is football and MMA” jab. It sounds harmless, but give the detractors an inch and they’ll use it as an excuse to ignore everything you said, no matter how ironclad your argument was.

Cue right-wingers claiming she was “unfairly ambushed” by a liberal Hollywood comedian who has no business talking politics.

*gasp!* The true sheeple are the ones using the term mockingly!

God, BvS Luthor was terrible...

If Trump were to tweet about Star Wars, he would undoubtedly compare himself and his administration to Luke and the Rebellion—the small, scrappy, for-the-people organization fighting the uphill battle against the evil Empire.

On one hand, yes, I hope everyone feels the pain from that jackass being in control.

That drives me insane. I don’t know any transgender people in person, but I’ve talked to and read their stories online; announcing to your loved ones that you’re transgender must be one of the most terrifying things for a young person—opening yourself up to the criticism, emotional/physical abuse, and even abandonment

Ah, yes. Manga cows (they just sit there and graze).

You prefer Papa John’s over Domino’s? Cool, I can respect that.

I’ve thought about that “warning label” thing when looking at a bag of BBQ charcoal and seeing the little picture that says “do not grill inside a vehicle.” I said to myself, “Self, this is there because some dumbasses tried it, somebody got died, they sued on the grounds of, ‘well, the bag didn’t say we SHOULDN’T do

That shit is infuriating. I know people who have pulled that: “Well, I’m not racist—I’ve never called anybody some racist slur, nobody I know acts in a ridiculous over-the-top ‘shout at brown people from a passing vehicle’ way, and I have non-white friends—so therefore racism isn’t as big a problem in America as some

She should have kept the headgear on.

I’m not very knowledgeable about this either, but I think people said that was Rousey’s weakness—she bought into her own “I’m Rhonda Goddamn Rousey” hype and thought she could overcome any holes in her strategy by just strutting up to her opponent and grabbing them like Zangief.

*record scratch*

That’s some Dungeons and Dragons life-draining-touch with a side of Raiders of the Lost Ark shit.

Yes; at the beginning, Jyn’s mother (Lyra) tells her to trust the Force when she gives her the crystal necklace. But it’s just a single line of dialogue, not really a conversation.