cloudXsephiroth v2

But...but if that were true, then Republicans who use the memories of the dead as a political beatstick and trot out the victims’ family members for hollow speeches are a whole new level of soulless ghouls.

There was a story on the radio that said not only are there already official poll watchers in the building, random people can’t go up and hover over people to watch for funny business; that’s illegal. And if you wanted to set up some kind of informal watching stations, they have to be 100-200 feet from the entrance to

I heard if you challenge the Klan Grand Dragon to a fight and punch him in the heart, you become the next Iron Fist.

Magic’s been pretty inclusive for a while. Everyone’s hyped for the arrival of their first interracial gay couple.

I’m in south Texas, and I’m so glad I was out of college before that shit hit it’s stride.

The first two PS2 games were more like what you were expecting. After that, Square kinda went “let’s see how much bullshit we can get away with until it stops making money,” and the rest is history.

There’s a difference between “I will never lie to you” honesty and “fuck, your baby is ugly” honesty.

I was just thinking about how Bernie is like Pikachu—popular with the kids, but can’t really do much in a real battle.

Not just “bitch,” though. Think about it: how do you imply a dude is weak or scared? “You pussy. Where are your balls? In your purse? Why don’t you man up?”

If you want to insult a man, call him a woman.

If one’s conscious doesn’t take into consideration the people who won’t survive a Trump presidency, your conscious sucks.

“Two mommies” sounds creepy in a “grown-ass man speaking about the grown-ass mothers of another grown-ass man” kinda way.

You can tell a lot about a guy by his reaction to the question, “why are men afraid of women?”

Apparently the best way to get back at those “other” countries that are kicking our ass at stuff like math, science, literature—you know, all that sissy book-learnin’ stuff—is to have a strong army that you can wave in your enemies’ faces like a big, thick, meaty, all-American...Ballpark hot dog.


He looks like a bad hombre.

People not knowing history like this is why we have jackasses saying stuff like, “well actually, it was the REPUBLICANS who got rid of slavery, so...”

I would like to ask the creators of games and characters like Pokemon what they think of the totally batshit fucked up fan theories and if any of them stop and think, “oh, they’re gonna have a field day with this new thing...”

“When you married him for the money and he hasn’t fucking died yet.”