
That's entirely possible, but there's about a three-second difference between "female Casters don't get to choose" and "female casters in my bloodline don't get to choose because of a curse." And one seems like a plot development, while the other seems entirely arbitrary.

YMMV depending on your tolerance for YA, supernatural romance, and fantasy. I thought it had some interesting ideas that weren't very developed, but there are three more books on the way that might fix that. It bothered me that so much of the book — even more than the film — is devoted to the characters sitting around

In the book, it isn't that women don't have a choice about their morality. A Caster during the Civil War essentially sold her soul in an attempt to bring her lover back from the dead, and in the process, she brought a curse onto her female descendants, who are sometimes Claimed by evil when they come of age. Englert's

Agreed, about the scene between Irons and Thompson. I had the same reaction to that as I had to the Council scene in the first Hobbit movie: "Quiet, everybody, the ADULTS are talking now."

No, he specifically mentioned that the commenters here are mean and terrible and he knows not to read comments on this site. We didn't discuss it much further, so I don't know whether he's referring to what other comics have been through here, or, say, the hatey comments on the last interview I did with him, or

Yeah, I've experienced that, and I don't know whether to see it as a downer — "Hey, look at these people who seem as stable and emotionally mature right now as I am even though I'm 15 years older than them, I'm clearly slow and sad" — or a reason to feel hopeful about the future, because someone is clearly producing

For what it's worth, Cookie, I've been with my partner for more than 20 years, and we just entered a civil union last year. I'm hoping that doesn't end the relationship by next year, but we're doing fine so far. And there was another AVC couple who I'm not going to out who were in the same boat — more than 20 years

I really like the idea of, and the phrasing of, "Reality McGuffin."

He told me he was going to try not to read these comments because so many of our commenters are thoughtless and cruel, or at least they have that rep among comedians in particular. (And judging by some of the earlier comments here, he's right, though as usual, @avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus has been

Pro-tip: For analytical, self-examining people, that process never stops. Also, sometimes it's more like "Two years ago, I didn't know ANYTHING." I look forward to being 95 years old and thinking "Man, I was so naive and stupid at 93."

@ComradeQuestions:disqus We prefer to be referred to as "women."

@DrunkenSuperman:disqus Please tell me that is actually true, because I love the idea. This is coming from someone who almost never strikes up pub-trans conversations about what other people are reading, but does look around to see what books people have, and does periodically start reading something just because so

I'd never heard of Betteridge's Law, and that's really interesting, thanks for bringing it up.

What about "What does it mean to grow up with a band?" and "When should a band break up?" and "What makes live music good?" and "Where are all the blue-collar sitcoms?" and "What was the quintessential Charlie's Angels disguise?" (Just looking at the first two pages of recent FOCs.)

That's a lot of bees, but you gotta keep your belt-onion spruced. It's the style! Or it was at the time.

I like the theories that she was doing it as a performance for him, in case he survived, and to keep him from meaningfully fighting back.

The even more horrible bosses will doubtless show up in the sequel, Horribler Bosses.

For what it's worth, AVQA is consistently in our top five most-read features for any given week, to a degree well beyond the level that would be explained by repeat traffic from people having conversations in it. And the currently more than 1200 comments on today's is a pretty strong argument against it having run out

He's also the person Bateman's character was named after, or just name-checks to prove it's a unisex name. But really, one reason that running gag just didn't work for me is that Sandy isn't a particularly girly name. It's not like he's named Effie.

Well, sure, in the Italian neo-realist version.