Ha! Best introduction EVER
Ha! Best introduction EVER
Thanks so much! Share with anyone you think might like it :)
Thank you so much! I go back and forth between being happy with my work and then thinking "Who would want this!?!" but I think that's pretty normal for any creative person. I hope?
Thoughts like these contribute to fabulous art!
It's thoughts like these that contribute to fabulous art ;)
Ha! I giggled when I drew it and if I had more colors? I'd make a rainbow coming out the other end.
Ha! Thanks. It's usually just the same cost as the regular mugs, around $22 :)
Apologies on the size and configuration! It's a normal picture, I swear. I don't know what happened.
Hello inner voice, how are you?! No, I've been thinking about these things since I was a small child and used to just sit and cry when I thought about everything going on and me not being able to be a part of it. Now, when I'm in a depressive episode, I have these thoughts. One moment was so terrible I screamed out in…
I can't begin to tell you ladies and gents how awesome you are, but YOU ARE. My etsy shop is doing better than I imagined and I appreciate every Jezzie who stopped by to take a look, as well as those who ordered! www.etsy.com/shop/deadhandcrafts
Sitting, eating lunch, I see the headline and say out loud, "Oh shut the fuck up!" Reading the article only intensified that thought.
If I help one person I've done some good in the world :)
Ha! Love it. That just reminds me to start using fuckery more often ;)
Christopher Lee's album is the ONLY THING I CARE ABOUT IN THIS DIRT BAG (kudos to Chris Rock, but METAL CHRISTMAS)
I will most definitely sound like the "old lady who discovered something on her phone 11 year olds know" BUT public service announcement: once I made shortcuts for fuck, fucker, fucking, etc, I don't even use the shortcuts, but autocorrect hasn't even TRIED to change it to duck and my life is infinitely simpler.
Here's the link to my facebook page too! https://www.facebook.com/deadhandcrafts
Thank you so much! Absolutely! I'm working right now to create a sort of design inventory for customers to choose what they like and what they'd like it on so I don't create a bunch of mugs of one design and then find out that everyone wants a plate, etc....
I put up the wrong address last night because of my apparent unconscious love of the letter s, but please take a moment to check out my shop www.etsy.com/shop/deadhandcrafts and you can even like the facebook page (which I add more pictures of projects to because it's free). You all have helped make my first week such…
Thank you so much! It seems to be popular ;)