
This is literally all I can ever think of when I see David Blaine.

Give me a break. I’m a woman, working in a male-dominated career and have been for the entirety of my adult life. I do not need to be told how people judge others and how women are mistreated.

How do you know that she didn’t have proper access? It should be a lot easier perhaps, but to suggest that this was her only option and that her choice to disfigure her baby was the sole fault of Republicans is totally of the mark.

Exactly. You can be pro choice and not think it’s ok to disfigure and maim a baby.

She is being prosecuted because her reckless actions caused permanent physical and likely mental harm to a child. She is not being prosecuted for abortion for shitsake.

I’m more inclined to help the kid.

Why not see if there is a way to contribute to the kid who is now disabled for life?

I mean... am I the only one who is kind of on the fence about this? I think the main reason that she is being charged here is because a) most states already restrict abortion after 20-24 weeks to cases where the mother or baby’s health is in danger and b) the baby ended up being viable. (Which is shocking, because I

She should have had access to abortion prior to making this choice.

Super-duper pro-choice here, and I’m sorry but I would convict her.

Uh, Han Solo Harrison Ford pretty much awoke my sexuality. WOULD DO YES INDEED YES.

I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost

which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

Never in a million years. There beautiful woman falling in love with the nerdy/awkward/conventionally unattractive man because he deserves it and she (unlike him, apparently) isn’t too shallow to see his inner beauty is so common it’s a cliche. But the reverse basically never happens. The closest is the “plain” girl

Reading about his decline from Bond villain to middle aged cat lady has been captivating.

I know everyone is frustrated, but I’m getting tired seeing liberals bickering over this trivial bullshit. In general, I’ve seen lots of people attacking each other for not being good enough at being an ally when what they need is a talk, not to be thrown under a bus. I’ll eat my shoes if anyone talking about punk

I have worked in and frequently visit mental health facilities (as a counselor) and can attest to the fact that the way we as a country treat NON-CRIMINAL persons with mental health issues is inhuman and cruel. While I support her cause of receiving proper healthcare, I think it’s absurd to claim she should be

Unlike various other whistle blowers, she didn’t read any of the information she was releasing and provided it wholesale to Wikileaks. While it happened to contain some things that were good vis a vis transparency, most of it was important national security information that shouldn’t have been made public. None of it

Let’s discuss better treatment for prisoners, better mental health support...but this is framed as though having a mental health issue in and of itself should qualify someone for release.

Ah, and your true colors show now. You were never raising a good faith objection.