
Also, why does she HAVE to go to extreme efforts to keep her relationships super duper private? She’s a grown ass woman. If she wants to go to freaking Starbucks with her high profile celebrity boyfriend while holding his hand then she damn well has every right to. Allowing the public to notice that you are with

Why do you think it’s okay to put a label on someone else’s sexuality when they’re very clearly (at least) portraying the opposite label? I’m so tired of this stupid trope that every celebrity is secretly gay and bearding for the other secretly gay celebrity. It’s not new or funny or clever to keep insisting on

He’s 25 - old enough to make his own decisions. You are a grown woman. Your relationship with this former friend should have no impact on your relationship with your son’s girlfriend. Your son’s words about you seem to be pretty on point. Being mean and petty to her will only push your son away.

It’s very Eat Pray Love minus the yoga and plus a bunch of vegetable cutting.

I would love to read a story about how someone is dealing w/ their life issues w/o packing up and travelling to ‘find themselves’.

Have you tried summering on the continent?

My honest gut response to this article as someone who is struggling with issues, I feel like this is a very boastful article, I have zero sympathy for the writer, I guess this person was a fucking COUNSELOR Jesus Christ, this person would NEVER relate to my problems. I just don’t really understand the point of this

Let us know when you get your prize in the mail for being so, so righteous on a post about four dead children.

The statement released by the TSA was incredibly fucking condescending and dismissive of their horrible actions.

So we pay millions a year to keep that parasite and her gross hoard around and can’t even make extremely tepid jojes?

Demi! A willing and open partner is your body’s Burger King. So for the love of god, have it your way before you explode!

I wasn’t aware that a racial equivalent of a ‘guy’s girl’ existed.

Wait so the Nat Geo cover “hurts your soul” but simple-minded reactionary hot takes like yours are what, soul-affirming?!

JFC. I love how completely this post has managed to exhibit Jesse’s point about equality.

I don’t know, of course, who teaches Lauren how to post and I’m not trying to b mean or unkind but the way she screenshot a longer video made it very hard for me to jerk off to this blonde lady!

Lest we forget, “Drive” was pretentious, derivative, garbage. I have no idea why this hack gets so much praise.

You bet your ass they’re not.

Oh no, sad elephant visuals are a lady boner graveyard.