
I’m glad she at least swallows since I feel you shouldn’t reproduce.

Could we have an actual discussion, maybe? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to explain to people who might not understand how this is not an appropriate way to draw attention to a worthy topic? Instead of mocking and condemning dogmatically, could we explore the ways that this cause could be better served, and educate one

If Law & Order has taught us anything it is this: Run during the day, find the body, run at night, be the body.

You’ll all be happy to know that I had a very successful 2015 of continuing my journey to destroy my body through booze and food.

Supermodel Bar Rafaeli is pregnant with her first child.

Why the fuck would anyone pay $50 for a bundle of sage, a feather, and a seashell?

So Carson is the only man he ever met?

i dont see how this disparages kids to not be artists. many overactions and over reaching on this one.

Personally I think that most of these distinctions are arbitrary to begin with, tbqh.

Here you go:

People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they can build a nuclear reactor in their bathtub.

It’s a fucking Old Navy T Shirt, not a manifesto from the Ministry of Education.

JESUS who cares please find something worthwhile to be enraged about

I’m sure to be in the minority but my first thought was “this is fucking cool”.

I find it interesting/sad to see how much Kylie clearly hates the life into which she has been thrust.

“Matt Damon is gunning for an Oscar for his role in the extremely overrated film The Martian.”

he’s really showed how terrible he is, but i actually loved the martian and didnt find it overrated at all.

Someone invented a wine slushy and your article is about ice cream???! Priorities mam, priorities. Especially during the holidays. Ice cream is not going to get you through a day with the relatives.

Forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!

I’d prefer a bloodied sheet hanging out the window, thanks.