
Anyways the issue I have with your argument is that it doesn't jive with the reality and the social and historical context. My people supposedly arrived in the area 2000-1500 years ago from West Africa, we conquered, mixed with and assimilated with Khoisan people, yet somehow we still practice labial stretching and

But the fact remains that Europeans captured her and objectified her and none of the other ethnic groups in the area did. You're speaking in hypotheticals. I'm telling you that these practices are quite common in other ethnic groups in this region of Southern Africa and even when our ethnic groups conquered the

Sweetie, I'm from this particular part of the world and although I'm not Khoisan (well, not directly), we practice the labia stretching (we still do this to this day, it was part of my initiation ceremony) and buttocks manipulation is not a thing (I naturally have the same shelf booty and it runs in my family). It's


Anyways, I'll just be ignoring you and dismissing you for now on. It's evident that you have nothing to offer the world but one sentence foolishness that claim the existence of things that do not actually exist. Sad for you.

lol you're are completely useless. There is no evidence of me being racist, because I have neither the power nor privilege to oppres white people and there is also no evidence you have even tried to form an argument. POC discussing racism on Jezebel and calling out people who resort to microinvalidations is not

The point is that you don't have a clue what racism is. Bye. You also have not one shred of evidence of me being racist because your conception of racism does not exist anywhere but inside your head. Bye.

What argument? What point? You aren't even trying now. Being mean to white people on Jezebel makes racism, a system of oppression which benefits white people at the expense of the physical, social, economic well being of POC, worse,? Hahahahaha. You are so lost, you'll never find your way. Come chat to me when

LMAO. *mad white person who doesn't know what racism is and didn't bother to read the academic sources you provided voice* "you yourself are being racist!". It's clear you're also incapable of logic and critical thinking.

Says the simple bitch who had nothing to add to the conversation aside from "look at the dictionary definition of racism" and "look at yourself", mmmkay. No. You can't hang at the table with the cool kids sweetie, to do so you'd have to formulate a coherent argument but even that is beyond your abilities. It's

You're welcome. ;)

Your whole life is a joke.

Any definition? lmao Sweetie you must be a peasant who thinks of racism in simple dictionary terms. Take a look at your life and ask yourself how you managed to get this far being so silly, with such a basic understanding of racism and an inability to contextualize it and connect it with large social, economic and

Yup this person is so full of shit, shit stirring, back tracking and generally being an ass. This Faethe character is a clown.

damn the cakes weren't protruding back then, she had to stick it out just to get a little booty.

lol no. You tried sweetie.

And it's quite clear you are a useless idiot who hasn't the faintest idea what bigotry and racism are. You have been dismissed. Goodbye hun.