Beer and fried chicken is huge in Korea, as a result of the American military presence. The best fried chicken I had, no joke, was in Korea. Smh (this is blasphemy but yeah I said it).
Seriously tho, it is like a white woman taught her how to derail. lol
Ugh, I'm sorry that happened to you. This dude is fucking useless, I hope his Black wife divorces his ass. True about the drinking game, lmao (I would be white boy wasted by now).
I hope you're not one of those muppets who thinks POC=Black. Sad.
Bookmarking this one. lmao
Nene's eyeroll is like no other. Thank you.
Yes, this.
oh no, there's still more than one if you search through the discussion...*shrugs* smh
So, white feminists are you still defending this idiot in 2014? Awkward.
I was responding to his original comment.
You are useless. Life has failed you.
Not a single lie detected.