
Amen. I'm so tired of white feminists.

Um, no.

Yes. I want her life. I want to be her and be with "with" her.


How did you get this far in life being so obtuse? It's a weave.

For the longest time I though they were the same person. I'm still confused as to who is who whenever I see a photo of either of them.

You're useless. Bye.

ugh, go away you vermin.

It's not my favourite cover but at this point Rihanna looks good in any style or pose. She looks really stunning in the second pic.

Can we not do this? You're probably a broke ass, busted person with a neanderthal, failed to evolve type forehead full of wrinkles. Bye.

I think the most important thing we could do is get rid of you, you shitbag.

yuck. go away

Here you go child:

You keep using the word "racist" but you don't seem to have an understanding of what racism is. I'm not even American, but I have the Internet at my fingertips and a desire to learn and grow as a person. English is not my native language either, sooo...

Whiteness is a social construct designed to give "white" people power. Japanese people are not accepted into whiteness because of racism. And I really hate the fact you tried to cover your ass by saying POC is "illogical", when you're wrong, you're wrong, just admit it. Colored does not mean Black people, that's

Danish and Irish butter tho...

LMAO at people thinking that people of color just refers to Black people.

People of color is a term that refers to anyone who is not white asshat. People of color does not equal Black you silly person, it's a term that is meant to be inclusive of all non-white people. This includes people of all races that are not white. You're so uninformed.