
You're joking right?! You're saying Al Gore would have gone to war with Iraq?!? Even going to war in Afghanistan after 9/11 to the scale that we did is questionable with a Democratic administration (and even among Democrat's its still not a mainstream position that the war in Afghanistan was a bad idea from the

That's where my bet lies.

There's already new non-movie canon about Poe Dameron (the only new character that has any) (see the Shattered Empire comics). His parents fought in the rebellion an he grew up next to a special Force tree.

That's seems a bit specious. When he uses his mind control power, you're forced to do something. That guy just got 1.2 million for his house. He's going to almost definitely have a better life as a result of this transaction…not so for the people being controlled by Kilgrave.

Quite possibly the single best interview I've ever read.

I'm a bit disappointed there's no TV Club reviews for discussion on this show. Really loved the first episode though. Any consensus on where to squat? (Jave The Virgin TV Club?)

Any guesses on the role of the guy hanging around in the chess training scene? He was a pretty obvious Chekov's gun I was waiting for to show up in the stock exchange scenario (at least allegorically), but it never happened (unless something went way over my head.). Thoughts?

I know nothing about this book and this seems kind of rude, but your description sounds like it's straight out of the Party Down episode with the science fiction author who gets a movie deal…

As an alumnus, I'm rather pleased that a show set at Caltech actually filmed at Caltech. (Usually shows filmed at Caltech are set at some nonexistent fictional university.) They even had accurate props. (The experiment lab is actually called SSEL like on the little pamphlet, and all the little tidbits about campus are