You know, I really enjoyed your food posts, but I think this is your true calling!
You know, I really enjoyed your food posts, but I think this is your true calling!
That's an insult to Hades lol
It’s definitely one of these three cars. (Top Gear)
Are you saying the braids are ugly? if so, THANK YOU bc they are SO UGLY. I would never do that to my hair.
Saddest story I'll read all day. Wait.
Alton Brown is so great! this was really funny!
When I was about 5, my dad told me that pushing the button on the gear lever would make the tires fall off, so I wouldn’t touch it and accidentally put the car into gear. I believed that longer than I should have.
I thought I was the only one! Good for you!
WHHYY are all my favorite bloggers leaving all of a sudden? Every day there’s another one gone and I think, oh well at least I still have- oh, wait, no I don’t. This is not good!!!
Thanks for the rec! Totally trying out that site :)
Instructable user Albert... Albert Borland! I wish there was a video but I guess they didn’t want to break the illusion.
“But Honey! I need to know the truth! The world needs to know the truth! If you can’t see that then we can’t be together! I need to focus my life!” “If you still believe in a fairy tale for little kids... I can’t BELIEVE I didn’t listen to everyone else. I can’t believe YOU!” “But, but Nessie’s-” DOOR SLAM.
I actually like the look of accentuating the plywood layers instead of banding it. The banding starts to peel off after a while and it looks pretty tacky imo.
It hasn’t stained or marked any of my shirts in the 10 years I’ve been using it.
It hasn’t stained or marked any of my shirts in the 10 years I’ve been using it.
Like real cards? That’s being an asshole with effort. just wow. You’re so better off without him.
That’s from Legally Blonde. I mean really.
Truth! I always turn the movie off after the marionette song, bc after that it gets all full of nazis and sappy music and sad politics. But I love the first half so much!
Very awesome round up! Thanks!