Veronica Watson

That's what I always thought!


I feel bad for those women.

I meant the lesser of all evils of those running for President within the Republican party, those who have been getting the most press attention and poll numbers. Yeah, Huntsman doesn't seem that horrible, but his lack of press and poll numbers make him less of a possibility.

Socially awkward or not, I think he's still the lesser of all the evils of the Republican party.

I swear if this guy gets elected..! How many more hypocrites are there to serve in the Republican Party? Family values, but he divorces and cheats! And how can he possibly favor anti gay legislation, when he has a lesbian sister? I have never understood how someone can grow up with a gay family member and then go out

Doesn't it melt really fast, and then flood the borders of your house, which you then have to pay more money to fix? Maybe I'm just confused.

Yeah! That bugged me the whole way through the movie, as well as how they ever built *anything,* considering all the sentient beings are cars. There are too many logistical problems in that movie, unlike Toy Story or A Bug's Life. Up was a little sketchy too, with hardly any balloons! :)

I would like a hop in the TARDIS with the Tenth Doctor for a couple decades. Or the rest of my life. Please? :)

Hey, I was just at Walgreens doing this exact thing! It didn't seem that weird. :)

Makes the religious part of christmas less stuffy and therefore better!

So, when men where sweatpants out in public, we're supposed to swoon at them with our fancy-clothed selves?

Artsy people hate color.

"And there's no shame in wearing mittens inside. They're like hand blankets." Best line in here!

It is! I just can't stand that one! Oh well, at least it made it pretty far in the brackets lol.

You cannot compare to Ten! Eleven is a very different character and I only liked him after I stopped comparing Matt Smith to David Tennant.

I think they forgot to listen to what people actually like!

"The Muppets didn't make it in"?!?! I call for a boycott.

Well she got his attention lol.
