Veronica Watson

That was awesome! Tears were rolling down my face from all the laughter as the flames began.

This show, for the first time ever, has made me love cars. Of course, the hosts are amazing! I watched 15 seasons in one summer. It rocked.

Yeah, I can see your point and I agree. I'm just sick of all the discrimination and maybe (very doubtful, I know) if one was punished the others would take note. Or stop discriminating.

I think the whole country shouldn't be allowed to compete if they actively discriminate against a certain group. People just pretend things don't exist and it needs to stop.

I don't know, I tend to think juice tastes better out of a juice box.

It's always about saving money though! Why would they go through all the trouble of coring apples when they can just add in another chemical later to cancel out the arsenic when the FDA comes calling?

haha chicago reference :P

I loved that book when I was younger. Hell, I still do, even though it's not the kind of book my school library would have anymore. I think more kids these days need to read it! It would do them some good to use their imaginations for once! :)

If anything, I think Lady Gaga is cooler now than she was. How many drag kings are there out there? Just her! At least, as famous as her that I know of. That takes some courage and it was way cool- she makes a pretty guy too!

I knew there were lots of outfits, but fifty?! Wow, I wish I had that many outfits!

Agreed! I think Nielson ratings are the biggest farce out there. There should be more sophisticated methods of learning what people watch, rather than gleaning this information out of only the statistically more important households. There are way too many good and bad shows out there to make a decision based solely

So true!! It's so cool to see real people sing these songs!

I think this is way awesome and makes me want to buy all of them! I never knew I needed muppets on my fingernails!

I never watch celebrity tv shows! It's bad enough people are followed around with a camera for most of the day, and then they go home and can't even walk out of their houses without being barraged. This celebrity off-screen culture is ridiculous!

It's amazing how they keep coming up with new names for new species. You know they'd have to start getting silly soon. :P

That's like saying something out loud might jinx it. A problem is something ok to jinx, because we all want those to go away! Not talking about something just makes it get bigger and bigger until the silence is so loud other people can hear it.

He was really popular on the Nets in between kite zappings.

Yeah, I keep hearing the same 10 songs on the way to and from work as well. I know the words, but I'm sick of hearing them already!

Mini erasers!! I forgot about those! Those were way cool.