
I have known a child named Aquanet (not spelled that way, but I can't spell Kreativly), one named Nautica, one named Harley Davidson. I've worked with kids a long time. I had three at two different times named after specific roads in our area. Two were siblings, and their roads were both overpasses, one right after

I happen to know a woman with two of her three children on this list. The third is just as twee—accented e and all.

Aglet is better anyway.

I don't see why it should be the mother, but yes, I think a parent should stay with their kids. You say people have to, because of money. I say sure, a small percentage. The rest just prioritize a certain lifestyle over being with their children. It's their choice, but I get sick of hearing about how kids need time

You make it worse, making all those comments about humiliation and dorkiness. It isn't—serious bike nuts wear helmets. Intelligent, educated people wear helmets. And it isn't a foregone conclusion that everybody matures out of being willing to wear one. Maybe in LA, it's cooler to die that be seen in a helmet, but

Personally, I find it reprehensible. Unfortunately, though, it's a common opinion. Just look at the millions of children in daycare and "preschool".

I wasn't thrilled to take husband's name, but I was fine with it, until I started getting mail to Mrs. Hisname Hislastname. THAT pisses me off! I did not completely subsume myself by marrying him. My first name is still my own, thank you very much.

A guy in college pulled that stunt on me, only he had actually been in a movie! He invited me over to his place to see it. It was a lousy as shit movie, but he wasn't interested in watching any movie anyway... Blech!

I read it as evacuate, and thought either they meant get out of there, or go poop first. It was confusing all around.

I have a question for people who complain about people who use tech gadgets a lot. Is it just as annoying to you to see someone reading a book? Or an e-reader or newspaper? Is it annoying to see someone engaging in a hobby like knitting?
Recently I have been thinking about how many complaints I get about how much time

I thought maybe it had to do with feeling vulnerable from nakedness making it more scary. shrug

A bicycle is a vehicle, and has legal rights on the road. Ignore stupid drivers. Use some of that self-assertion you seem to have so much of, and assert your presence on the road.
In my town, we have shared paths, with signs posted asking bikers to keep to a reasonable speed, and there's an established protocol of

Thank you! All my fb friends were baffled at my concern for the sandwich lady. Her bf is a major dick.

I never even smoked—my mom did, and I noticed that my hands stunk. I am glad I'm not the only one! I've never heard anyone else coment about it before.

You might think. But I know an An-DRAY-ah. shrug

I dealt with the guilt over those kinds of feelings when my kiddo used to watch Blue's Clues and the Wiggles. Greg and Steve were too irresistible to bother feeling guilty about!

I used to think highly of oz, too, but recently, I've been showing Buffy to my kid, and re-watching it, I realized he's actually kind of a dick. He cheats on willow, then she, what, kisses Xander, and he loses his shit, and leaves. And if I remember correctly, he had already been acting like he wasn't there most of

It seems well-produced. There's a difference. The couple's emotions sure seem genuine—and the family's.

It's lazy parenting. They haven't bothered to let their kids learn how to entertain themselves. I homeschool an only, and nearly never deal with claims of boredom. And all I have to do when he tries it is offer him something to do (laundry? Dishes?) and he miraculously disappears!

Damn, that's sexy.