This is my friend's retro sci-fi webcomic. Check it out! This is my friend's retro sci-fi webcomic. Check it out!
I think a lot of it has to do with how much we, as a society, believe in the actual possibility of existence of these things. In general, people used to actually believe in vampires, ghosts and other monsters, and adults used the stories to scare their children into behaving. Don't leave the path in the woods on the…
I feel terrible for your sister, but not for her allergies. For her shitty parents. My kid is allergic to eggs, wheat, dairy, soy, peanuts, treenuts, pork, chicken, turkey, corn and intolerant of gluten, which also excludes barley, rye and oats (for him—some can tolerate oats). He eats cookies, and ice cream, and…
This is a constant source of irritation to me. I know you can't have high expectations of addicts, but the cigarette butts all over the ground in just about any outdoor location is disgusting. As if it's not bad enough they have to make the air toxic, stinky and allergic, their gross leftovers litter the ground for…
Pretty much. Unless you ONLY EVER smoke when you are entirely alone or only with other smokers. If you smoke in the same room with other people, or smoke in cars with non-smokers in it, you are just as guilty of the same kind of inconsiderateness as any other addict. Actually, even if you smoke outside, and then…
When asked to design a spaceship in a junior high class, I drew a cube. Seemed like an efficient use of space when you don't need aerodynamic smoothness. And I was a 12 year old girl—I made it pink. The teacher gave me zero points. To be fair, it was pink highlighter, and I drew it on lined paper, but it was a…
No, she can be funny, sometimes. She's the modern Andrew Dice Clay is what she is. Crude for the sake of being crude, whether it's funny or not. Which it sometimes is, but mostly not.
Not talking about Carrie. I was referring to all the commenters calling menstruation "weird". Anything that happens to 50% of the population cannot be weird, by definition. Smh...
I wasn't talking about Carrie, lol! I meant all the goobers responding on this thread who find it gross or scary or weird. A lot of people used the word "weird" which I find sad. 50% of the population does this. That, by definition, is not weird.
I didn't even find Poe scary when I was a kid, and everything scared me back then. His stuff is just too overwrought to be really scary.
Not necessarily. It can be fantastic slogging your way through something challenging, but then once the challenge is surmounted, it loses its appeal. Or you got what you needed out of it, and it no longer offers anything worth re-visiting. was worth it for the challenge the one time, but was too much effort…
See, my first thought was of Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar. Not technically challenging, but emotionally. I will never read it again (I don't think, anyway), but it was a very worthwhile read. So compelling—I couldn't get out of her mind, but it was not a pleasant mind in which to reside, even temporarily. Similar…
Only if you want a big-ass hole in your wall.
I've had an orange/white who was the most awesome, friendly cat ever. And I had an orange who was one of the biggest assholes you've ever met, and neurotic to boot. My tortie was one of the sweetest creatures of any species I've ever come across, and was just a little love machine. She looked like a scorched…
Ha! I know you! =)
I think a lot of adults have a lot to learn about the future generations. Bodily functions are not scary, and not weird. If more people would teach their kids that, it would be a total non-issue. *sigh* Periods are nothing to even notice in my house—even to my son. He had questions when he was little, and I…
Thanks! My son and I are just getting into archery, and he asked me why the fletching was there, and I said I thought it had to do with helping the arrows fly straight, but I didn't know exactly how it worked. We were out on the range at the time, and I forgot to jfgi when we got home, so this is excellent. Thanks!
I didn't.
Thank you so much for this article! I am so happy to see this. This was very much a favorite of mine as a kid, but when I tried to read it to my kid, he thought it was boring. He loves graphic novels, though, so maybe he'll like this better.