
I was the same way as a kid. I'm old enough to remember when they first started using soy in everything, and I wouldn't eat anything if it was listed in the ingredients. Yeah, I was a picky kid, but I didn't know what it was, and it sounded gross. Also, when I was in high school biology, we grew bacteria on agar.

It's a pain in the butt, too. It's usually soy oil, which my son is allergic to. Soy oil in soda does not make sense. It was such a hassle to have to read the ingredients of every stinking soda before he could have it, and yeah, it's mostly the citrus ones, but not always. A lot of the gatorade-type drinks have

Greg Bear thinks so...well, change all life, anyway.

Yeah. When it started, I was all "Been there, done that" but I didn't have the fancy slo-mo camera. Pretty....

Well, if you live in the U.S., you can study Spanish. If you live for the next 50 years or so, at some point, I am fairly certain it will become useful for you...

You know, I'm not that big a Charlize Theron fan, but she is WAY prettier than Kristen Stewart. There's no way Kristen could ever outshine Charlize.

It would cause a lot of cognitive dissonance to title a movie about John Carter "A Princess of Mars"...

Because the brilliant literature by brilliant authors require brilliant readers to appreciate them—or even try reading them to begin with. Those are sadly in short supply.

Nice misogynistic attitude. In addition, it is a common plot device—Shakespeare even used it. No man of woman born...? Ring any bells?

Wow. I never thought of it like that. I'll never look at the ocean the same way again...

Like maybe you were supposed to be positive, the rubella swiped your rh factor, and the effects of the rubella eventually wore off? Very interesting...

No, I'm familiar with goat=womanizer, and I still didn't understand the sentence. But "having fast hands" also sounds like a sexual idiom in English, so I was confused. And I'm more familiar with "old goat" than just "goat".

I think you seriously underestimate the number of strays and ferals. I think the percentage of house cats is much lower than the percentage of free, mouse-eating cats.

I like. The art seems like the bastard offspring of Michael Whelan and Tony DiTerlizzi, who just happen to be my two favorite artists, so, um, great!

Not in my family. We have a minivan and a sedan. The hubby only drives the van if we are going somewhere as a family. Minivans aren't cool.

I'm pretty sure, well, that it's crocodiles, not alligators, but I think I saw some starting around :45 on the right side of the picture. There's definitely something there. Could be fish, I guess...

Nope. My 8 year old thinks it looks fantastic! He doesn't go to school, so I'm sure the appeal would diminish after a few days of sitting at a desk, bored. Lol!

Oats still don't contain gluten, it's just that normally, crops are rotated, meaning one growing season they grow one crop in that field, and the next they grow something else. It's better for the soil, because different plants take out different nutrients, and release back still others when the unused parts get

My son is gluten-intolerant AND allergic to wheat. He has two distinct reactions; we know the gluten intolerance is there because he reacts to rye and barley with the same intestinal reaction he has to wheat, and the allergic reaction is a skin rash that he doesn't get when he eats rye or barley. The two things are

Really? Those poor, poor kids, denied their yummy deliciousness, because somebody could DIE from it. This continues to baffle the fuck out of me. How the hell can it even cross your mind to counter "He could die from this." with " But it's so yummy!"