If the Trump administration is anything to go by, assholes get hired over and over because the people doing the hiring are also assholes.
If the Trump administration is anything to go by, assholes get hired over and over because the people doing the hiring are also assholes.
Hollywood was so awful. But I still like Murphy productions. I enjoy over the top, campy content quite a bit. So I’m excited for this one.
Albums from even the buzziest acts tend to evaporate in this culture of Too Much Content, but Phoebe Bridgers’ Punish…
You know what they say. If you can’t stand the heat, get off of Mickey Rourke’s sex grill.
For what it’s worth, the first responses google returned had Rourke weighing 169 (guessing this number was before or well after The Wrestler), Depp at 172 (assuming this is mostly rings and bracelets), and Musk at 205. I have no idea what value any of these numbers bring to the bookmakers, but it was either this or…
All these years later and not a single line reading in the entire MCU has topped “I vant my burd”.
It’s 120 without the scarves.
Just goes to show, challenging celebrities to cage fights is a double-edged sword, much like the kind Mickey Rourke tried to kill me with.
I really hope Klaus started a “Save me Barry” cult.
That’s a tough question, because in The Guest you get to see Dan Stevens be incredibly charming and at one point wearing nothing but a low-slung towel, but its also definitely an occasionally tense and violent thriller patterned after 80s flicks, so I don’t know whether column A would outweigh column B for her.
After having watched Drinking Buddies, a movie with the elevator pitch “It’s Drinking Buddies but at the end they all get murdered” is uniquely appealing.
This review confuses me as I’m not sure Dowd is saying I shouldn’t watch ‘Rental’ yet the only way you could convince me to watch a drama about a group of 30-somethings at a weekend getaway is if they are all stalked and brutally murdered by the end.
As far as Dan Stevens goes, have you seen the Guest? That’s one that somehow melted together paranoid John Carpenter 80s horror with an action revenge flick that’s fun (if not ultimately super substantial). And Stevens is magnificent in it!
Alison Brie of all people should know that the only way to handle this situation is to stand back to back with someone in the middle of the room holding knives.
My preferred brand of soda and cough syrup.
“Now is the time to listen”