
I sobbed during every episode. For 45 minutes, everything just seems perfect in the world. That’s HUGE.


As someone who divorced, not having to have a weekly or monthly interaction regarding the very stressful topic of money would be worth the one time payout...

I’ve always wanted that too. But no matter how I try I can’t get the basketball to spin properly on my finger.

No expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Zendaya! Yes, this was the best look that fit the theme. I read a whole damn article on her look, & I laughed at the part with the hairstylist saying she wanted historical accuracy so she styled Zendaya’s dyed extensions with her fingers, because Joan of Arc didn’t have access to heat styling. I laughed because Joan

I am eagerly waiting for Baroque art influence on these clothing choices. I want to see exaggerated emotion, dramatic colours, and sumptuous fabrics.

Honestly, I was kinda expecting the Spanish Inquisition...

Proudest moment in my casual dating career was when I asked, he said he doesn’t do that, and I told him to leave. Then, I ordered myself a pizza.

The PGA Tour is really missing an opportunity by not using #PGAtor

IS THAT YOU, KIM? ☺ Just teasing.

That’s my point. I’m pretty sure CS Lewis was the last person that I considered a good devotional artist. I may have missed some, but in general, evangelicals are absolutely shit at creating anything that resembles art. They are more in line with bad propagandists. It is generally so bad that they make socialist


“Adrian Grenier Is Mad at Starbucks for a Different Reason”

I’m legit impressed that Natalie Portman is taking this stand.


A broken clock is still right twice a day.

Maybe she doesn’t want to fix him, maybe she just wants to look at him.

Yes this is normal. My theory is that when we’re all young, we’re leaving our very okay living places in order to join up with other people in our age range who tend to gather in groups. When we’re young our living spaces may include roommates, or parents, or undesirable apartments with troublesome features. Also,

I’m out tonight for the first time since my divorce. Like, I’ve gone out to dinner with friends, but tonight is the first night since 2015 that I’m out at a bar, and I just feel awkward. I used to be a going out girl, and since the divorce, I’ve just turned into a home body. And I’m okay with that. I’ll be 38 this