Tara J101

I remember when that video with R Kelly came out. The black community all said the most horrible things about the victim. Look in the mirror.

Yeah, because white women have never been discouraged from speaking about being assaulted and raped. Because people aren’t focused on what happened from 1865 - 1965, they “prefer” the pain of white women over black women? I have an idea - instead of publishing endless articles about how you’re marginalized, and how

It sounds like you’re begging white folk to save you from black men. Just call out black men already instead of invoking slavery when the assault/abuse stats shows it’s pretty much only black men assaulting black women.

A big reason no one looks into sexual assaults of black women is because it might reflect badly on black men, and we can’t have that. Up in Canada we have the same issue; the government spent millions looking into the causes of murdered indigenous women, but no one likes the answers (indigenous men) so it just stays

I don’t get it.... Jezebel used to be kind of smart. Now we have this kind of made-up horseshit?? What the fuck happened?

Considering Indian Americans (both male and female) have the highest per capita income of any ethnic group in the US, I wouldn’t exactly consider the author a member of an oppressed group.  

1. Writer writes blatant error.

This quote was pulled by the same person who wrote that eggnog is mayonnaise, correct? Why are you choosing to make inaccurate pronouncements for a living?

As a woman with pcos who just happens to be white, fuck you. You do not have some moral authority on struggling with body hair or being tortured for it/by it. 

“White women don’t have the history, or the baggage of growing up with visible body hair”

I honestly don’t get this article. If the point was to talk about POC experiencing a unique kind of body shaming because of body hair then yeah sure, write that article, but her point seems to be that white women do not have much body hair at all and so therefore can never understand the body shaming of POC with body

As a very hairy Jewish girl... I also beg to disagree :[

I’m a little confused; I don’t think white women are excluded from body hair? Maybe western European white women? But. I mean, anyone of Jewish or Mediterranean descent knows what this is about... I was mocked mercilessly for my nipple/tuft of chest hair when I was younger, and certainly got endless mocking in junior

South Slavs and geek women beg to disagree.