
I fear you might well be right.

Given that Bertha's trip to her mum is already spoken for, the next one has to be the first petrol-electric hybrid, the Lohner-Porsche, for three reasons:

So the major changes in the architecture of the most popular American vehicles over the last 70 years is:

That schnoz reminds me of something.

1959 - 1975 Steyr-Puch Haflinger, the direct ancestor of the bigger Pinzgauer.

1941 Packard Clipper.


Not so much a message, as an inability to conceive of the possibility that someone might be able to drink more than a stomach's capacity of carbonated sugar water in a sitting. Much less in a car. Never mind actually wanting to do such a thing.

Oh there you are, little one. Will you help Großmutter get the goats down from the alps?

I saw it at whatgreencar.co.uk, which now appears to have changed its name and content somewhat. There still is an outline of how they rate cars, but no details on the Prius.

Prius doesn't have a negative Eco image?

hvorfor gjorde du slå?

And the irony is, the Prius smugness thing is just in your head, put there by a tinge of guilt. Meanwhile, real Prius drivers are mortified that they are still using way more than their fair share of the Earth's resources.

Maybe they were aiming for 'imperial' and missed both the spelling, and the memo that the empire building thing wasn't going so well?

Whenever I hear "Audi Q7", or see one, I can't stop thinking that there's no excuse. A bit unfair, perhaps, because there are plenty of other poncy automotive equivalents of burning banknotes in public - hello X6. How are you, Cayenne -, but there's something really obnoxious about this particular rolling f*ck you

Oh, they're building this thing alright - jacked up or not.

Am I right in thinking that the Daihatsu Mira and the Subaru Vivio were both AWD?

"Well, at least not one built in the past decade"

Wow. You guys must really hate diesel.

I personally think you definitely need to follow the rules of the road on your bike. I certainly try to as much as I can.