
You brave person. As with products of their Seattle compatriots, I'm not biting until v. 3.0

W124 Mercedes Diesel Estate. The definitive road car for that sort of money.

Oh dear; and a pre '67 red fluid system as well. I can see it snorting endless amounts of money from here.

I just hope those crimson wheel wells will see some dirt every now and again.

Dread to think how that '30s German Opel Olympia got there...

I wonder how much this little editorial from China's Xinhua had to do with the sudden outbreak of sense: [news.xinhuanet.com]

If we can't have the Model T, than surely it needs to be the good old VW type 1 beetle?

Now there's an über-snooty ad:

Why? It seems to make the Russians feel better about themselves somehow, and we need their gas. Besides, it's good exercise for the NATO interceptors.

Excellent call.


Wonder whether this will be a PSA-style petrol on one end, electric on the other type deal. With the Peugeots, it's petrol at the front, and electric at the rear, but it ought to work just as well the other way round. It just seems such a cheap and simple way of building and packaging a hybrid, and you get four wheel

We should laugh in the face of evil: hard and often. But it's got to be done by skilful satire, like Charlie Chaplin's and WB's- not by defacing a serious and highly accomplished portrait of the evil itself with some lame anachronisms.

I completely get that, and I find the juxtaposition of completely unrelated concepts/situations really funny. Monthy python made it an art form, after all.

The distance aspect is interesting. The battle for Berlin may be slightly closer to home for me than for others, so I did wonder whether I would find some jokes that defaced, say, an equally serious and highly accomplished depiction of the battle of Gettysburgh or the Somme funny: highly unlikely.

Bruno Ganz gives a uncannily convincing, award winning portrayal of what must be one of the most surreal and shocking moments in human history. If you have any sort of historic awareness at all, these videos are desperately unfunny.

Me likey. A lot. Even $40,000.- doesn't seem too much for what looks like a sweet, plu perfect 1970 Chevy that so happens to have swallowed a bunch of jalapeños.

Deeper still; is the fact that they live in big urban centres itself dependent on their 'innovator' status? In other words: do gays lead in geographic preference just as much as they do in car taste?

French? FRENCH!!???

Engine the size of a planet, and all I ever do is bumble down the boulevard at 5 MPH