Tao Te Chump

That's fun trope in TV/film with actors that are part of each others' real lives. The Waitress being revolted by Charlie, for example.

A while ago, I realized that I would fuck Mac, marry Charlie, and kill Dennis. Not sure where I stand with Charlie, Glenn, and Rob. They're all good looking, but Mac is the hottest for me on a superficial level.

Last time I saw it, I was in a small theater in Pittsburgh and I enjoyed that aspect far too much. It's unearned civic pride.

The same. There's a Mac you can take home to your mother.

He's also in one shot at the end of Wonder Boys. Looking very un-Macish.

One of the girls Charlie dated in high school tried to convince him he fathered her son, but admitted she was lying.

I expected something passable but problematic in its assumptions, however well-intentioned. I thought the actual episode was great, once I let my guard down. Although I don't know how it would feel if I was black. It's a good example of turning a gimmick episode into something substantive instead of a distraction.

In all seriousness, he's one of the least douchey bags I know. He was disappointed that he can't get over it.

I was thinking of framing and composition. Dat Angela long cut, tho.

Arguably better than being killed. Then again, if the Dark Army found them at the diner by listening in on the FBI (as suggested in these comments), it may not have mattered.

Regarding the people more powerful than Price: this might be a way of setting up another yet-to-be-introduced antagonistic presence to take his place in the show if he dies.

I'm not that sure, to be honest, but my friend specifically referenced the framing.

Does anyone have issues with cinematography? I love it, but I just brought it up to a friend who said it bothers him so much he can't watch it. He works as a photographer and previously was involved with some independent films.

I just realized that showing Jacobs tracking her heart rate earlier in the season was a subtle indicator of her heart issue. It's still mainly to show her connected life being corrupted by fsociety, but it's something small that adds meaning in retrospect.

I did wonder if they were simultaneously trying to hack each other (or if one was recruiting the other). I think his shortsightedness is what got the best of him—there's also some criticism of tech fanboy factions there.

Thanks for link. I'm sure that's the origin for the title, but I think it may be a while before we grasp the metaphoric meaning—it brings to mind someone in control/pulling the strings. Ray is probably the closest thing to that we are aware of at this point.

Mr. Robot has cemented itself as the most bizarre show I can remember watching. I love it.

I think Elliot the character is around 28, if I'm remembering correctly. His birth date was in the hospital records after he fell off the pier.

I didn't realize you were talking about using pronouns when writing comments, not articles. Glad this was embarrassing instead of tense!

That's a well conceived rationale. Now that I understand the reason, I'm very much in favor of it. I didn't think you were intentionally misgendering White Rose, but I thought it may have been overlooked in a rush to write the review. It's pretty clear from your writing that you're not up to anything malevolent.