Tanzim W. Rahman

He also has the pleasant habit of referring to Pakistanis as Pakis.

It's got electrolytes?

More like Snoozefield, amIright?

Yeesh, I'm sorry to hear that. At that age, It must've been like treading mud.

It surprised me too. I was informed of it by the AV Club review, and was maybe expecting a thoughtful thriller like Fargo. Sharing the style if not the specifics. Heck, I thought it was a survival thriller from the synopsis. But the book's ruminations on money, the class divide and the harsh look at the ultra rich

Before the Fall by Noah Hawley
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Gotta admit I wasn't the hugest fan of Whitman's work the first time around. Was having trouble getting into it. I'm liking it much better this time. The images are more vividly visible in my mind, and

I'd say the entire film is a deconstruction of this very idea.

No, I'll listen to every new song only once this year. I'm noting down all of them so I can revisit the ones I liked in 2018.

I've decided that from now till the end of 2017, I'll only listen to music I've never heard before. So far I've heard:
1.Fielded - "I Choose You"
- This song is a vocal showcase, and she certainly delivers. Strong, clear vocals with excellent control make the song mesmerizing.
2.Massive Attack - The Spoils ft. Hope

Strange, your comment seems to show at least a rudimentary grasp of the English language.

Hear hear!

5 years in, and you're right so far.

5 years in, and you're right so far.

They should just make a movie about all the other Avengers kicking Tony's ass for two hours.

Thanks, that was an interesting read.

How was it?

Makes sense, since most fairy tales started out as horror stories.

The best thing Will.I.Am has been involved in.

I liked how the inner turmoil was portrayed too. The falling leaves sequence was like something straight out of a Kurosawa movie. And the father hanging Christ-like in the fire, telling his son that he has been 'forsaken'…God what a brilliant episode.

Seriously, he was SO much fun. I didn't dig the girls much (Brainwashed warriors trained from birth are a pretty tired trope at this point), but I loved every second Scaramouche was on. Super Scatting Powers!