Honestly, guys? All the name-calling on both sides isn’t going to solve anything.
Honestly, guys? All the name-calling on both sides isn’t going to solve anything.
Uhhh, no? Her sister and I don’t want a relationship with each other. It’s just sex. My wife and I are happy, and my sister in law doesn’t want her unhappy, she just likes me in bed? Soooo, my wife will never find out - despite what you guys keep saying.
I only did this BECAUSE it was her younger sister? Do you…
You keep on going on and on about how you honestly love your wife emotionally, etc. But the thing is... if you truly loved her, you wouldn’t be going behind her back and lying to her about it.
Ever heard of open relationships?? A guy finds a wife who’s cool with him sleeping around, as long as he’s honest and upfront…
In my case, I like it when guys are more plain-looking. If they’re too handsome, that turns me off. If they’re too ugly, that also turns me off.
They have to look like they could be the everyman, and not like a supermodel or anything like that. Even scruffy handsome guys turn me off, lol. They have to be able to know…
I actually played with my friends in the beta. Hopefully one day they might do a shared cloud server thing for the multiplayer to bypass the fact that the players can’t do things without the host there. Or, allow for the players to set up their own cloud servers. sometimes internet connectivity issues just happen,…
As a white woman, I agree with you. people look at me like I’m crazy when I point out that the majority of victims in any crime tended to know the criminals, and that the criminals weren’t some scary random stranger that they never saw before. It’s so frustating to see people act so stupid. It’s one thing to give…
Just saying, but I would like to point out that there is a difference between being sexy and being objectified. There is a lot of sexy men in video games and the like, but it’s very rare to see them actually be objectified.
Being a sexy character means that you’re a character that *just happens* to be sexy. You have a…
Your “debate” consisted of you dismissing everything I say by saying I didn’t pay attention to it, didn’t watch it, etc. doesn’t sound like a constructive and meaningful debate to me at all. instead it sounded more like you were spoiling for an argument just because I said I didn’t like your favortive anime for…
That too.
lol at how you keep on saying I didn’t watch or pay attention to the anime at all. when it’s obvious that I did. Just because you don’t like what I have to say about the anime doesn’t mean that you should keep on lying to yourself about how I didn’t watch it or some shit. That’s just pathetic.
This is MY OPINION,…
actually I watched the anime all the way to the gun gale online story arc... nice try though, trying to dismiss my feelings because you think I didn’t watch it. You proably didn’t notice it with the OTHER GIRLS because you weren’t paying attention to the way the camera zoomed in on their breasts, their buttocks and…
Look, I was willing to give it a pass because he was a villain who got his comeuppance in the end. But.... then the thing with the other girls happened, and Sogou wasn’t even part of the story-line anymore by then. so it was highly obivious that whoever was directing and making the anime had a thing for taking away…
I would also like it if they toned down the sexual assault stuff and the sexist treatment given to the female characters in the harem subplot.
It was bad enough what they did to asuna in the second story arc, what with that Sogou pervert implying that he had been raping her while she was “asleep” with that VR headset…
You brought up real life Asian women as justification for being sexually attracted to fictional 8-year-olds that are actually older than they seem. and I was pointing out that Asian women generally look like older teenagers, not 8-year-olds if they’re younger than they seem.
and I was pointing out that people were…
“There have been wars that resulted in people being killed, than there are humans who abuse kids.”
Sorry, but this is a highly naive viewpoint. Sadly there are far more child abusers out there than you think there is. like two months ago cops busted up a child sex trafficking ring and arrested up to 300 men who was…
I see where you’re coming from, and in a way I kind of agree. I was one of those girls who developed absurdly early body-wise but not mentally-wise. I had perverts who acted very untoward to me at the time and then tried to justify it with how I looked, even though I was at the age where I was still playing with…
I do agree that the whole race thing in Bright was handled awkwardly.
And if the fantasy races were around for a long time, then I’m kind of skeptical that black people would be dealing with the same issues like in our world. Instead of it being a white vs black thing it’d be about Humans VS orcs, etc.
An fantasy…
Not really. I started out loving her, but wound up actually hating her for the same exact reason why I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Lana, by the way, was a canon comicbook character.
Both women started out being very likable as characters, but then the writers caught wind of their popularity and then started to…
I agree. The few times where the whole “I’m really 700 years old” bit was done well?
1) it explains how the kid is so creepily mature and acts like an adult when they look like a 6 year old. combines well with the creepy/evil child trope. (like Tanya the Evil, which is actually a good anime and does not sexualize her…
I choose to see it as a innocent crush on the part of that 8-year-old girl towards Kanna, and that they haven’t actually done anything sexual.
I had crushes on adults and other people as a young kid, but that didn’t mean I wanted to fuck them. It was just more along the lines of wanting to spend time with them and…