
I'm very annoyed that Tina was the only original New Directions to get the shaft in the story department for 100 episodes. Every other member had something meaningful going on or, at the very least, had a decent story arc during the run of the show. Tina on the other hand was either being the butt of all the jokes.or

Comedy Bang Bang did it first!

Something tells me Glee New York might be the Smash that could have been. Glee McKinley is awful. AWFUL.

I think since CB is finally cooked properly (I assume that's fireball's implication), his personality change would be permanent. It makes sense, he used to be half-baked.

I think it's beyond that. She has been shown to be more and more cold-hearted towards her people. I think PB does what she does because she knows she is their creator, and if I remember correctly, she made them unintelligent. I'm guessing the candy people are becoming more and more self-aware.

Glee has always been a mess of a show, and I keep watching it for that reason. But I will admit that this episode is literally the funniest. Glee hasn't made me chuckle in 2 years. I just realized the irony of that sentence.

That's what I thought too, but after a few rewinds, I did not catch the 'nd' sounds. But then again, bad hearing. Haha!

Pardon my bad hearing, but did Rumple call the enchanted forest by a different name? "You were back to Erla?"

Sony is making the show look accessible. Let's be honest, if they showed a trailer cut of the weird shit that goes on on the show, do you honestly believe that would bring new viewers? No! They need to make it look as low-brow and mainstream as to attract viewers. Whether or not the new viewers stay is a different