Shart of the Deal

Not surprised. Surely there had to be a better candidate out there than this corrupt chucklefuck, especially in a relatively safe seat. 

Thoughts and Prayers

I mean we are living in an alternate universe.

Somewhat related (but not really) I saw some dude walking around my office wearing a Goo Goo Dolls tour T-shirt. From 2017. I had to follow him to make sure it didn’t actually say 2007.

Most of these righty politicians are saddled with kids they don’t want, borne of women who were not allowed to get abortions.

I’d have gone with something more topical

You know it IS possible to attack both Elon Musk and Grimes’ actions without insulting her appearance.

Michelle Williams and Phil Elverum are way cooler, hotter, and are a little bit of shine in this dark bizarro timeline. <3

“It’s not fair! Colonel Sanders was always manhandling breasts and slobbering over thighs, and no one made him sign confidential settlements with the chicks involved.”

OMG, my youngest sister, who is a dog owner, says this all the time. She is so freaking diligent about following policy in regards to her doggo, and gets super pissed when she sees dog shit while walking her own dog. Like she mutters to herself and everything. Its amusing and understandable at the same time.

Agreed, the failure to mention Zax sauce in the list of condiments is a godforesaken tragedy.  That shit is gold on everything

The book is infinitely better than the movie, and as an aside, Last Exit to Brooklyn is worth the read as well.


These fucking assholes with this shit should look at the goddamn turnout; the key to winning isn’t appealing to moderates, it’s energizing your base so they actually show up and vote. We need to take the same approach to politics that we do to using a warm bagel for masturbation: FUCK THE CENTER.

I’m sure you didnt leave it out based on ignorance but I have to respond to you that OBJECTIVELY ok computer is one of the classic albums of the 90s. It was a massive hit popularity wise and artistically. Obviously, you don’t like it, but they do have a “timeless masterpiece” that you literally coulden’t leave out if

SAME. I am a candidate running for office in the midwest. I love Duckworth. But this mealy-mouthed, tepid, timid approach of other Dem candidates and of Dems in power, are driving me to DRINK. I want to go BOLD! But this free-floating fear is real and believe me when I tell you it is not limited to republican men! The

You stop being a chickenshit, stop pretending that anyone will ever care how “nice” or “respectful” to the other side you were or will ever pay you back in kind, and fucking force them to take the bad option if they really want it. We’re talking about a Republican Party that is ripping itself apart because it can’t

Have you seen Schumer? He’ll give a long winding speech with his glasses low down on his nose and then cave like a Polish cavalry regiment facing down Panzerfuckingschafften in 1939. 

Obama encouraged her to retire for this exact possibility.  She’s going to die any day now and Trump will get another pick.  Obama knew that Hillary wouldn’t win.  She was the worst candidate of all time.  She lost to  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump.  Guy from The Apprentice.  And just like Hillary refused to let Bernie