Shart of the Deal

Ain’t no party like my Nana’s tea party

You’re not reading it correctly.

Can confirm. Wife just convinced me to buy a top trim. Probably wouldn’t have gone for it if didn’t have a turbo, but it is nice. She won’t shut up about it.

I’m pretty sure the two-tier pay was GM’s idea, no? And the union only agreed to it after the recession to help them stay solvent, no? Tiered pay is generally a anti-union tactic as it sows discord in the ranks and dampens support, no?

pie is bullshit

Parsnips are so effing underrated.

One of the primary reasons of roasting vegetables is that it reveals the depth of the vegetables flavor and (lightly) enhances the natural sugars, while remaining (in large part) healthy.

Agreed. I’ll seriously consider an EV for my next car if range is 300+ and charge time is sub 30 minutes. Charging stations would have to be pretty prevalent, too.

Should also have been “until” or “’til”



So the moral of your story is only buy cool shit when you’re old? Why not buy a new car now and drive a dumb old Corolla when you’re 65?

[kisses fingers Italianly]

Read this as “Unhinged Devin Nudes”

Can confirm. Was in the market for a new SUV/CUV, open to all brands luxury and non- from $35-50K. The Kia dealership made me feel dirty and depressed. Gave a cursory glance to a Sorento since i was already there, but left as fast as I could.

I own one. Bought a touring trim two months ago. The wife and I like it a lot.

The book was *just okay*

Does he even lift?

Can’t fuck with beige chicken

Orlando is garbage and in the middle of nowhere