
This thing looks like it was designed in the 60's. It's just going to plop down in the ocean like a wet fart instead of landing majestically like the space shuttles of what is now apparently 'yesteryear.' This looks about 1 step forward from the Soyuz capsule. What a colossal disappointment.

Absolutely agree. This looks about 1 step forward from the Soyuz capsule and about 10 steps back from the shuttle program. What a colossal disappointment.

Are you sure? I mean this DOES seem like the most important thing someone could change about themselves.

Agreed. I'm in my 30's never used a typewriter and always double space after a period. It definitely improves readability and something just looks "wrong" when that space is missing.

1st It has nothing to do with voting and everything to do with lobbying. 2nd Libertarians vote. 3rd You are in fact not responsible for other adults who do not want your help. You are not their daddy, they don't need you, you don't know what's best for them, climb off the pedestal.

Sent in my request and never got my invite. So so sad now...

I've been using Twilight for a few months now and I definitely think it helps you get to sleep faster.

Reforming the system will cost millions of dollars and take years to accomplish. In the meantime I'll open Uber, slide that little dot on the map about half an inch to the left and wait for the airport/taxis to get with the program and stop trying to take advantage of my need for a ride.

If the taxi system was cleaner/easier/more efficient then there never would have been need for Uber and Lyft. The only evil thing is not allowing people to choose the method of transportation they find best.

It's probably the same. It's not the coffee that is contaminated so much as the handle of the pot. The handle and buttons on the Keurig would have the same exposure.

Isn't "training" yourself to be more authentic sort of not authentic? You're basically forcing yourself not to be the person you're pretending to be. This seems like a recipe for being pretentious if not done well.

Buckwheat pillow all the way! I sleep 10x better since I got one.

Dry ice is soooooo last season... Liquid Nitrogen is in vogue for fall

Plagiarizing yourself is a pretty murky area and certainly a lot less severe than this infographic would have you believe. The only time I could see this being a problem is if you are publishing similar works in competing journals but that's still more of a contractual violation than plagiarism.

I agree completely. We've bought a massive amount of diapers over the last few years and Amazon is definitely cheaper. And the comparison between brand name price and store brand price is a little ridiculous. Plus the convenience of free delivery and not drag home huge packages from the store.

The house I grew up in had all of the outlets "upside down" . I just found out a few years ago that it was done for safety and is becoming code in most areas now. It does make sense when you think about it.

It's recommended to put small children in their car seat on the plane. I think they're more comfortable in them too, since that's how they're used to traveling. We always put our kids in them and it's never been a problem.

You pretty much nailed it but don't forget about the calendar and calculator.

So much money he needs 2 wallets!!! Ridiculous and expensive water! $1400 worth of audio equipment! Maybe if he was an audio engineer. This is the worst bag ever.

No. It just means that you have nothing better to with your money or you really really like bottled water.