
If there's a wireless version, I'm interested.

Start by checking out official support, try reinstalling/checking for updates.

And enjoy the luxury of having half my PowerPoint applications not work? Great idea!

Small safe countries FTW!

@vertidsgerman Really? Me too! (just kidding).

I'm used to right clicking the taskbar and choosing Task Manager.

Here's an idea about how to protect your sensitive files: Don't upload them to an online service. Simple enough, isn't it?

@Helixthe2nd: Well, yes. That was my point. Thanks.

You want tips? I'll give you a tip!

Android will become a viable option soon :P

Firstly, I use Chrome, which is not crappy.

Yeah, me too.


"How to protect your computer from Mac Defender: Install Windows"

What could we do without people like you who actually read the terms of service :)

Folder Enhancer is Justin Bieber only? ... :(

Using Emoji is better. More colorful :3

Double troll all the way across the sky?

I label my folders with Emoji. It's very neat, and the iPhone has a wide library of Emojicons, you would have allot of choices.