
Ctrl + Wheel is a really old trick that can be used everywhere (Firefox, Office, IE and so on.).

@ninja_togo: I just wish the HP Slate gets to the market.

@NanorH: It needs to connect to the towers, So even though, it should have the cellular antennas.

@Spustatu: Something is reflected on the mouse.

I know.

@superhrman: I can break comments by leaving the tags open?

@seanpat12: Just make it 4G and unlocked so I can get one and run it on Zain, Which is the service provider that has 4G in my country.

@CIM: That is sarcasm, Right?

Me want.

@Val Valient Thor: How are you going to install Snow Leopard if you can't even spell it?

If :

@NanorH: I don't think that GPS will be added as these devices use A-GPS which I think need cellular connection.

Ooor, SoundHoud!