
Great... I'll buy a bumper (although I don't have an iPhone 4) get a refund, And then sell it on eBay.

@CaptainJack: I see your point, But I'd rather genuine stuff.

Why the hell is this in the iPad thingy

@im2fools: Lol.. I get it, but I am having this horrible case of not-so-funny statements.

@im2fools: Who are you planning to throw?

@CaptainJack: And you'll have to buy four of them because they'll keep breaking. 10 x 4 = 40$

@Mr.Affrox: I was thinking about doing something similar, But I thought that the Apple people aren't that stupid-I was wrong-

@Annup Kapur: If the HD2 gets an upgrade I'll buy an HD2

I was looking for a new smartphone platform and I think I found the one!

@peter46: I respect your opinion, But I won't read all that...

@kingyosh: Wow.. That's what I though of once I read the title.