half million gallons of on-board fuel??? that much?
half million gallons of on-board fuel??? that much?
Jonathan Ive
and if it's true, I shall never buy anything using Nvidia shit anymore. they're skating on thin ice here, Apple is gonna cut them. they seem to never want to see their chips again on the macbooks.
So, If the end was filmed with a camera and Andrew had it its control, then why the hell didn't he caught or avoid the spear? Also, weren't they supposed to be resistant to certain attacks, including a fork...
Was I?
Chronicle is F****ING amazing, except for the camera the whole movie, which at times did not make sense.
you, you just wanna get banned.
It's because everything coming up will have retina/High resolution displays. WIth better colors and rainbow magic.
I think it's a positive attitude at making people look at gay related images in a friendly and more tolerant way.
I hope it looks different, oh God, make it look different.
Just make sure to remove the SIM card, first of all. ;)
SWIM has done weed a few times, but SWIM doesn't really enjoy it, actually there was an article I think on Gizmodo where they said some ppl can't really enjoy weed, as it is in their genes. SWIM actually gets into too much thinking, can't even drive, sad and the next day, SWIM is sleepy and weak the whole day. Now…
Uhh, I... here... I think, I forg....g....g...
I thought this was an article by JD yelling through the keyboard. Nevermind.
the question could be, is this the next Steve Jobs?
I was on Google reader and saw this, now go find out why I clicked and came here to see it full size.. not mentioning the previous comment.
I have a kid, I made the connection, I showed him this and he said: why would you get a Wii over a PS3 or an XBOX360?
It's a fun car to have, young, techy with the RR dna. Not your typical race car, I absolutely love it.
my eyes, my eyes... fick, now I need another corrective eyes surgery