
I'll wear a watch.

He's cute, but he could be more fit, like Tara's dead bf (yum)... and I don't really like the whole semi-tranny outfit, but a really fit body could compensate this.

the important part, are they making a rain of meatballs with this to end with world hunger??

yeah me 2

Not really, just from the licensed brands on retail stores. China cheap manufacturers are "safe".

Most perfect woman in Hollywood still has something for the most perfect man in Hollywood and I mean Jen, the other came with an eating disorder and 10 kids.

it very was

do they drink their pee?

Do you actually know that an AIDS/HIV infected person dies even during treatment because they create drug resistance and the virus takes over?????? Imagine this happening to +33 million people.

This article is so wrong in so many levels...

Do you actually know how many of this bacteria variations there are? Most of this complications are due to environment conditions and miss-prescribed antibiotics.

I just found out this for you and for me :)

wouldn't that be amazing? I don't think they're just too much into that when they're making it too thin.

No, Lafayette is not hot... at all.

I was ready to write iSteve. This changes everything, again.


Well, yes, but Pam is unfortunately a secondary character... vampire ladies really do it for me in this show, I actually love vampire women, sexy...

Isn't she a free bitch?? You don't listen.

I went to her concert and she called me and 30k people more, "gay" and "motherfucker" and god knows what else... How some reciprocity sounds?