
This is very easy in the Bay Area. All cops drive Crown Vics and no one other than them and cabbies drive Crown Vics.

LOL You are a jackass! I actually thought this was in the City of Las Vegas... LOL Time for me to start watching the Show I guess

Wow. I really feel like the gamer community has been vindicated. Its rare that we get a win like this one. For all MS's launch woes at least they proved that they listen to us and are willing to change drastically for what gamers want. Now let me play netflix without Gold and Ill buy one.

Yes Dual joysticks are supported.

The API totally supports a dpad and an analog joystick. It's up to the hardware manufacturer to pick which one to make.

Why are we arguing over a 3rd party accessory. It's Logitech'a discretion wether it wants to make ano iphone 4controller or Not. No need to get all roiled up.

Too late! Thanks for the warning.

what car is that? Looks sweet

Dangit. I walked into that one.

This thing is really tiny. I dont think space will be an issue.

Now I know you are making stuff up.

When you plug in your android phone to a car most of them use the ancient "Playlist specification file" thats been around since 1995. Even worst some phones make themselves available as USB drives forgoing all playlist capability. Thats not an API. Apple's ipod connectivity api (the used today) on the other hand is a

thats the issue. There is no standard. google or someone needs to create standard. Apple is doing so albeit a propriety one.

Not sure how that is correct. iOS 7 is pretty much iOS 6 with a different theme. Its still icon based. Theres no concept of tiles in iOS making it nothing like Winmo 8

Unfortunately google has made taken no steps to create any kind of connected system. Im not sure why people are blaming apple. If People want an alternative then let google come up with it. I would say google has zero interest in this area. Most Google phones still use the ancient playlist/folder api that we used to

Dammit. I'm guessing this wont help us laptop gamers.

The Instagram app is probably a very bad example of Android design because its apes the iOS app almost 100%.

Thats pretty much me. I convince myself that I am going to die every time I fly.

Why are you so worried about "factory workers" If you want in on the Apple cash party just apply to a job that it does offer. Its hiring Engineers, marketing folks and a Lot of other workers and retail workers in droves. Are you seriously stuck in the 1950's where a "sales man" was a lower end job than a "factory

@Mr.CardHolder and Mr.Doe: I think it sthe way they held the game. Its more of a thumb game rather than a finger game. Its super easy to play on the iPhone because you are using your thumbs. I