
Still debating on that guy or the HD7. I'm also debating about

@OMG! Red!: No, it hasn't. In fact it looks a lot like it's going

@zgryfx: Not to mention they obviously have a vested interest in


Could also be a Surround-esq phone, wouldn't have to be a keyboard.

Yep. Looks like a hellicarrier.

Similar seats have been on trains for a long time.

@KaosTheoryx: Because thats where they put it on prototypes.

@PotentChr0nic: Yep and the processor is where efuse is inherently located.

@Betty White: If you jump back to the original article what he meant was that he ran a black marker around the edges so the white edge of the cut paper didn't show.

The HTC vision/G1 Blaze/G2/whatever they call it is going to feature stock android.

@Nitemancometh: It was sold as the Saturn Astra in the US before Saturn went under.

@blyan: Jelly is the European term for Jello. More accurately I guess it would be the term for gelatin but like lots of things in the US we over use the brand name.

@Ic3Cold: Nah the flash is on the wrong side.