
@guspaz: I didn't even know that he did Taken.

@GizmoTron9000: It was mentioned as a response to android actually.

@Liam loves his Dell Latitude: That was the rumor for awhile but there have been some cases recently leaked that seem to contradict that.

@SewerShark: There was some evidence even in the old article that it was going to be a sharp clear arc at the front of the mouse.

The iphone rumors will be easy enough to verify or dismiss at a certain point since they'll need FCC clearance again.

@techynottreky: Jobs actually hinted at that not to long ago.

@kapanak: Which is exactly why his argument makes sense.

@Dogen: No, thats always been one of the arguments against net neutrality.

@Addzter: I'd say they're doing it for 90% of the releases since they first rolled it out.

@NotSure2010: How can you try and turn this into something political?

@TonyTriple: Because it doesn't have the same score?

Emerald is not the same as Vision/vanguard/g1 blaze

So the most logical guess was the correct guess? Who would have thunk it?